UL 507:2003 pdf download

12-29-2022 comment

UL 507:2003 pdf download Electric Fans
1.6 These requirements do not cover humxifers
1.7 A product that contains features, characteristics, componcnts, materials, or systems new or difierentfrom those covered by the requirements in this standard, and that involves a risk of fire or ofelectric shockor injury to persons shall be evaluated using appropriate additional component and end-productrequrements to mmamtaim the evel of satety as oremaly anticipated by the mmtent of this standard.Aproduct whose features, characteristies, components, materials, or systems conflict with specifcrequrements or provisions of this standard does not comply with ths standard. Reyision of requrement:shall be proposed and adopted in conformance with the methods employed for development, revision, andmpementa tion of this standard.
2 Glossary
2.1 General
2.l.1 For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply. The types of appliances arearranged in alphabetical order under the heading Product Terms. Other terms not related to the types otproducts are defined in alphabetical order under the heading Additional Terms. Alo, see appropriatesections of the Standard for specific fan types not de fined in this section.
2.2 Product terms
2.2.1 AIR-FLTERING APPLIANCE – An appliance consisting of an air-circulating fan and a mechanicalfilter.
2.2.2 AIR DEODORIZER – An appliance that has a fan and is intended to treat the air in a relativelysmall area by the dispersal of chemicals. A mechanical filter may be employed.
2.2.3 AIR FRESHENER – An appliance that has a fan and is intended to scent the air in a relativelysmall area by the dispersal of chemicals. A mechanical filter may be employed.
2.2.3.I ATTIC FAN – A fan mounted on a building’s roof or gable used to vent air out from the attic tothe exterior of the building. Exhaust of the fan is typically capped with a dome lid or behind louvres topre vent exposure to weather.
2.2.3,l added Februnry 21,2003
2.2.4 BLADE – A component of an impeller or an individual”paddk” of a ceiling-suspended fan.
2.2.5 BOX FAN – A portable fan some times referred to as a “suitcase” fan.
2.2.6 CEILING NSERT FAN/LIGHT COMBINATION – An applance consisting of a fan and a lightwhich is installed through a hole in the ceiling surface.
2.27 CEILING-SUSPENDED FAN – A fan intended to be mounted to a ceiling outkt box or ceilingbuilding structure, and has blades which rotate below the ceiling. Popularly called a “paddle”fan.
2.2.8 DESK FAN – A fan intended for use on a desk or table, Some desk fans are provided withke yhole slots for wa ll mounting.
2.2.9 DOWN-DRAFT FAN – A fan intended for instalation adjacent to a grill or stove top, and thatdraws smoke down into an exhaust duct.

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