UL 1054:2000 pdf download Special-Use Switches
1 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover manually operable and mechanically operable special-use switches:
a) That are for use on direct current as well as on alternating current or on alternating currentonly, and
b) For which the load ratings do not exceed 60 amperes at 250 volts or a lower potential and30 amperes or 2 horsepower at 600 volts or a lower potential.
1.2 A specialuse switch is intended for use in a device or appliance. A specia-use switch is intended forfactory installation in equipment and is not intended for field wiring other than replacement in originalequipment. A vacuum-cleaner-handle switch, a heater switch, a radio or television switch, and athrough-cord switch that has more than one on or one off position are examples of special-use switches.
1.2 revised January 26,1996
1.3 These requirements do nt cover through-cord switches with one on and one off position, special-usedimmer switches, or switches constructed so that they can be installed readily in a flush-device box or anoutlet-box cover or can otherwise be used in a wiring system that complies with the National ElectricalCode,NFPA 70.
1.3 revised January 26,1996
1.4 A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or differentrom those covered by the requirements in this Standard, and that involves a risk of fire, electric shock. orinjury to persons shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-productrequirements to determine that the level of safety as originally anticipated by the intent of this Standard ismaintained. A product whose features, characteristics, components, materials, or svstems conflict withspecific requirements or provisions of this Standard shall not be judged to comply with this StandardWhere appropriate, revision of requirements shall be proposed and adopted in conformance with themethods employed for development, revision, and implementation of this Standard.
1.4 revised February 29,2000
2 Glossary
2.1 For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply
2.2 ACTUATING MEMBER – The part of the operating mechanism that extends outside the body of theswitch and is intended to be exposed to contact by the operator.
2.3 CURRENT-INRUSH FACTOR – The number by which the normal (steady-state) peak currentthrough a tungsten-filament-lamp load is multiplied to obtain the peak value of the inrush currentthrough the load.
2.4 PUSH-IN (SCREWLESS) TERMINAL – A wire terminal that automatically locks a strippedconductor when it is inserted in the terminal.
3 Components
3.1 A component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with the requirements for thatcomponent, and shall be used in accordance with its recognized rating and other limitations of use. Acomponent need not comply with a specific requirement that:
a) lnvolves a feature or characteristic not needed in the application of the component in theswitches covered by this standard, or
b) ls superseded by a requirement in this standard.
3.2 If a value for measurement is followed by a value in other units in parentheses, the second value maybe only approximate. The first stated value is the requirement.
3.3 In the following text, a requirement that applies only to a switch for a specific use, such as in a heatingappliance or in a radio or television-receiving appliance, is so identified by a specific reference in thatrequirement to the use involved. Absence of such specific reference or use of the term switch indicatesthat the requirement applies to all switches covered by this standard unless the context indicatesotherwise.
4 General Requirements for All Switches
4.1 Requirements under this heading apply to all switches covered by this standard. They aresupplemented in subsequent sections with requirements applying exclusively to heater switches.television switches,and special-use dimmer switches.
4.2 A switch shall employ materials that are acceptable for the intended use.
UL 1054:2000 pdf download
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