PD IEC PAS 62239:2001 pdf download PRE-STANDARD — Electronic component management plans
Technical Requirements
The Plan shall document the processes used by the Plan owner to accomplish theobjectives listed in clause 1 of this document. The Plan shall state clearly, concisely, andunambiguously:
What the Plan owner does to accomplish each of the objectives;
How compliance to the Plan is demonstrated;andThe evidence that is available to show that the objectives have been accomplished.The Plan shall document the processes used to address each of the requirements of thisclause.
Where specific objectives of clause 1 do not apply, the Plan owner may, with appropriatejustification, amend the list of objectives in clause 1 by adding, deleting, or modifyingobjectives. If this is done, the Plan shall be assessed according to the amended list ofobjectives,as stated in the Plan.
If the Plan owner obtains components from a distributor or other third party source, therelevant requirements of this document shall apply also to that source. The followingrequirements apply to all electronic componentsincluding commercial-off-the shelf(COTS), which are defined by the component manufacturer data sheet, and custom,which are defined by the design holder specification.
The selected components shall fulfill all functional requirements and parameters,asspecified and required for the overall environment and mission profile (thermalmechanical, radiation etc.) for all their forecasted life.
The conditions for use of the component shall be adequately identified, from thecomponent specification based on the component manufacturer’s data sheet and anyadditional requirements to ensure suitability in the end application. Availability and levelof obsolescence risk shall be considered as a mmajor component selection criterion.
4.1Component ApplicationListed here are some categories of component application processes that may bedocumented in a Plan. Not all of the categories listed below are relevant to everycomponent application; therefore, the requirements listed below are applicable only ifrelevant to the given application.
4.1.1 Functionality
The documented processes shall verify that the selected components satisfy thefunctional requirements for each application.
Note: Examples of these processes include analysis, modelling, simulation, and testing. lfsoftware is used for any of these processes, it should be described briefly.
4.1.2Electromagnetic Compatibility
The documented processes shall verify that the component is capable of electromagneticcompatibility(EMC) compliance at the equipment level.
Note: Certain components, e.g., high-power switching devices, may generate strongerelectromagnetic signals than others, and some components are more susceptible than others toelectrommagnetic interference. IEC 47A/532/NP addresses this in more detail.
Note: EMC compatibility may be demonstrated by analysis, testing, and simulation
4.1.3 De-rating and Stress Analysis
The documented processes shall define the limits within which the component is used.
and the methods and criteria used to determine those limits.
The documented processes shall verify that the component is used within the limitsdefined above.
All instances in which a component is not used within the limits defined above shall bedocumented in the design records. In all such instances, either corrective action shall betaken, or justification for not satisfying the criteria shall be documented.
Note: Typically, the component manufacture provides derating criteria and methods, andthey should be used where applicable. If the component manufacturer does not provide thisinformation, or if it is not applicable, then the Plan owner should develop and documentthem.
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