PAS 72:2006 pdf download PA S 72:2006 Responsible Fishing – Specification of good practice for fishing vessels
This publicly available specification (PAS) specifies requirements for vessel operations andtraceability in the sea fishing industry. lt specifies requirements relating to fishing practices.vessel criteria, crew competence, environmental considerations and record is applicable to the supply chain from the fisherman to the point of first sale.NOTE lt is assumed in standardization that users of standards will comply with the law. This PAS does nottherefore make it a requirement that users complv with particular lecislation, Such matters are outside the remitof standardization.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest editiorof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
UK small cetacean bycatch response strategy. DEFRA, March 2003The United Kingdom Turtle Code. The Marine Conservation Society
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this PAS, the following terms and definitions apply.
discardrelease or return of fish to the sea, dead or alive, whether or not such fish are brought fully onboard a fishing vessel
NOTE Fish can be discarded for a variety of reasons such as having physical damage, being a non-target speciesfor the trip, and compliance with management regulations such as minimum size limits or quotas.(Adapted from FAO (1998): Guidelines for the routine collection of capture fishery data.FAO Fish.Tech.Paper,382:113 p]
any release, other than fish or fish parts, from a ship howsoever caused, including any escapedisposal, spillage, leakage, pumping, emitting or emptying
NOTE This includes substances that are hazardous to human health and / or to the marine environment.
Examples of discharges are fuel oil, oily ballast, bilge water, exhaust gases, refrigerants.
Adapted from the MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution fromShips,1973,Attachment 1]
environmentally friendly
actions whose implied consequences do not include an unacceptable, particularly irreversible
Adapted from FAO Fisheries Glossary]
all species harvested from the sea
NOTE For the purposes of this PAS, the term “fish” is used to include all species harvested from the sea,including crustaceans, shellfish,etc.
marine litter
debris, primarily man-made, and/or waste material that is found in the sea
non-commercial speciescatches from fishing activity which have no, or very little current economic value to thevessel
fish qualitytotality of features and characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy stated orimplied needs
NOTE ln terms of fish quality, it is the combined state of freshness, condition, appearance and presentation ofthe fish, Consumers and buvers from the marketplace consider odour, shelf life, fish appearance, packaging andpresentation in order to help them determine what condition the fish is in.Adapted from the UN Atlas of the Oceans, definition of fish quality]
selective geargear allowing fishermen to capture few, if any, species other than the target speciesTaken from the FAO Fisheries Glossary]
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