IWA 45:2024 Sustainable critical mineral supply chains

09-29-2024 comment

IWA 45:2024 Sustainable critical mineral supply chains.

This comprehensive document meticulously examines the spectrum of sustainability frameworks pertinent to critical mineral supply chains, aiming to enhance comprehension and bolster an organization’s sustainability achievements. The examination encompasses:

— An in-depth analysis of the prerequisites outlined in current sustainability guidelines or frameworks, identifying both commonalities and distinctions among these tools;

— Identification of sustainability focus areas within existing guides and frameworks that have gained acceptance across various regions and jurisdictions.

The document, however, does not evaluate the efficacy of current standards or frameworks in enhancing the sustainability performance of their adherents or the methodologies employed for performance assessment.

The findings reveal that sustainability frameworks in the upstream supply chain are both extensive and diverse. The analysis conducted within this document is poised to inform the creation of potential future ISO initiatives and standardization efforts, ensuring that they do not duplicate or conflict with existing frameworks.

Moreover, this document serves as a valuable resource for organizations beyond the ISO community, assisting them in navigating the landscape of sustainability standards and frameworks available.

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