ISO/ASTM 52935-23 pdf free download,Additive Manufacturing Of Metals — Qualification Principles — Qualification Of Coordination Personnel

09-10-2024 comment

ISO/ASTM 52935-23 pdf free download,Additive Manufacturing Of Metals — Qualification Principles — Qualification Of Coordination Personnel.
For many companies,additive manufacturing(AM)represents an interestingalternative toestablished manufacturing processes.The trend towards complex,customised or consolidatedcomponents,in addition to opportunities for reduced lead times and decentralised production allowsan economically feasible use for a growing number of areas.This increasingly applies to many seriesapplications,which add further demands on the efficiency and consistency of the processes.Inparticular,components used in regulated industries (e.g.automotive.rail,aerospace,process andindustrial plants,medical)are subject to high demands in terms of quality and safety.
Where industrial components are produced using additive manufacturing processes,these shallsatisfy the equivalent quality and safety requirements demanded of conventional processes.To thisend,the production chain and environment are designed such that the process quality and resultingproduct quality are always consistent and reproducible.To achieve consistency and reproducibility,itis of utmost importance to ensure that the involved workforce is adequately qualified for all stages ofproduction.
This document describes the activities and responsibilities of the personnel with coordination rolesin the field of additive manufacturing for metallic parts.
This document ISO/ASTM 52935-23 specifies qualification requirements for coordination personnel in industrial manufacturing sites responsible for additive manufacturing of metal parts.
This document ISO/ASTM 52935-23 is applicable to all metallic processes that are covered by ISO 17296-2. In this context, the skills, tasks and responsibilities for different levels of AM coordination personnel are typically adapted according to the applicable regulations, depending on the process.
This document is intended to provide guidance and requirements for qualification of coordination personnel in general-industrial applications. Additional requirements are typically needed for specific industries or applications (e.g. aerospace, medical) or to meet regulatory requirements.

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