ISO/ASTM 52908:2023 pdf free download

09-02-2024 comment

ISO/ASTM 52908:2023 pdf free download,Additive Manufacturing Of Metals — Finished Part Properties — Post-Processing, Inspection And Testing Of Parts Produced By Powder Bed Fusion.

This document ISO/ASTM 52908:2023 specifies requirements for the qualification, quality assurance and post processing for metal parts made by powder bed fusion.

This document specifies methods and procedures for testing and qualification of various characteristics of metallic parts made by additive manufacturing powder bed fusion processes, in accordance with ISO/ASTM 52927, categories H and M.

This document ISO/ASTM 52908:2023 is intended to be used by part providers and/or customers of parts.

This document specifies qualification procedures where appropriate to meet defined quality levels.

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