ISO/ASTM 51900:2009,Guide for dosimetry in radiation research on food and agricultural products.The psize of this standard pdf is 5.29M.
ISO 51900:2009 applies to the minimum requirements for dosimetry needed to conduct research on the effect of radiation on food and agricultural products.
5. Irradiation facilities and modes of operation
5. 1 Types of Facilities–This guide covers the use of gamma
adiation, X-ray (bremsstrahlung), and accelerated electronsused for studying the effects of ionizing radiation on food and agricultural products.
7. Dosimetry systems
7.1 Dosimetry systems are used to determine absorbed de
usually in terms of absorbed dose to water. They consist ofdosimeters, measurement instruments
their associated
reference standards, and procedures for the systems use.
7.2 Dosimeters may be divided into four basic classes according to their relative quality and areas of application primary-standard, reference-standard, transfer-standard, androutine dosimeters. ISO/ASTM Guide 51261 provides infor-mation about the selection of dosimetry systems for different applications. Most research will be conducted using routine dosimeters and transfer-standard dosimeters
ISO/ASTM 51900:2009 pdf download
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