ISO/ASTM 51649:2015,Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300 keV and 25 MeV.
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ISO/ASTM 51649:2015 outlines dosimetric procedures to be followed in installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ) and performance qualifications (PQ), and routine processing at electron beam facilities.
An irradiation process usually requires a minimum absorbed dose to achieve the desired effect. There may also be a maximum dose limit that the product can tolerate while still meeting its functional or regulatory specifications, Dosimetry is essential. since it is used to determine both of these limits during the research and development phase,and also to
confirm that the product is routinely irradiated within these limits.
The dose distribution within the product depends on process load characteristics, irradiation conditions, and operating parameters.
Dosimetry systems must be calibrated with traceability to national or international standards and the measurement uncertainty must be known.
Before a radiation facility is used, it must be characterized to determine its effectiveness in reproducibly delivering known, controllable doses. This involves testing and calibrating the process equipment, and dosimetry system.
ISO/ASTM 51649:2015 pdf download
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