ISO/ASTM51310-04(2012),Standard Practice for Use of a Radiochromic Optical Waveguide Dosimetry System.ISO/ASTM51310-04(2012) pdf free download.
ISO/ASTM51310-04(2012) covers the procedures for handling, testing, and using a radiochromic optical waveguide dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose in materials irradiated by photons in terms of absorbed dose in water.
The radiochromic optical waveguide dosimetry system provides a means of measuring absorbed dose in materials. Under the influence of ionizing radiation such as photons, chemical reactions take place in the radiochromic optical waveguide creating and/or modifying optical absorbance bands in the visible region of the spectrum. Optical response is determined at selected wavelengths using the equations in 3.1.6. Examples of appropriate wavelengths for the analysis for specific dosimetry systems are provided by their manufacturers and in Refs (1) through (5).
6. Performance check of instrumentation
6.1 Check and document the performance of the photometer or spectrophotometer (see ASTM Practices E275, E925, E958 and E1026).Use reference standards traceable to national or international standards, unless the photometers or spectropho tometer’s design precludes such use.
6.1.1 When using a photometer. check and document the accuracy of the absorbance scale at intervals not to exceed one month during periods of use, or whenever there are indications of poor performance.
7. Calibration of the dosimetry system
7.1 Prior to use, the dosimetry system (consisting of a specific batch of dosimeters and specific measurement instru ments) shall be calibrated in accordance with the users documented procedure that specifies details of the calibration process and quality assurance requirements. This calibration process shall be repeated at regular intervals to ensure that the accuracy of the absorbed dose measurement is maintained within required limits. Calibration methods are described in ISO/ASTM Guide 51261.
ISO/ASTM 51310-04(2012) pdf download
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