IEEE N42.31-2003 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE N42.31-2003 pdf download American National Standard for Measurement Proced ures for Resolution and Efficiency of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Detectors of lonizing Radiation
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard applies to wide-bandgap semiconductor radiation detectors, such as cadmium telluride(CdTe), cadmium-zinc-telluride (CdZnTe, referred to herein as CZT), and mercuric iodide (Hgl) used inthe detection and mcasurement of ionizing radiation at room temperaturc; gamma rays, X-rays, and chargedparticles are covered The measurement procedures described herein apply primarily to detector elementshaving planar, hemispherical, or other geometries in which charge carriers of both polarities contribute tothe output signal. When the devices are an integral part of a system, it may not be possible for a user to maketests on the detector alone. In this instance, tests on the detector element must be established by mutualagreement between the manufacturer and the user
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to establish terminology and test procedures that have the same meaning toboth manufacturers and users. Not all tests described in this standard are mandatory, but thosc used tospecify performance shall be made in accordance with the procedures described herein. (Use of the word”shall”indicates a mandatory requirement,“musta physical one, and“should”means “recommended.”)
1.3 Abbreviations
Abbreviations. defined in 3.3, are used liberally throughout this document.
2. References
Standards referred to herein are listed below. The details of the test instruments and the test proceduresdescribed in two of the standards-IEEE Std 301″-1988 and IEEE Std 325″”-1996-are closely related tothose described in this document and are recommended as adjuncts to it.
DOE Report DOE/ER-0457T (May 1990), Standard NIM Instrumentation System.
IEEE Std 194-1977, EEE Standard Pulse Terms and Definitions.2,3,4
IEEE Std 300″-1988 (Reaf 1993), 1EEE Standard Test Procedures for Semiconductor Charged-ParticleDetectors.
IEEE Std 301-1988,IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers used with Detectorsoflonizing Radiation.
IEEE Std 325-1996,1EEE Standard Test Procedures for Germanium Gamma-Ray Detectors
IEEE Std 759“-1984, IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Semiconductor X-Ray Energy Spectromciers.
IEEE Std 1160“-1993, IEEE Standard Test Procedures for High-Purity (jermanium Crystals for RadiationDetectors.
3. Definitions, symbols, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
Specialized terms used in this standard plus some others that are relevant appear in this subclause. Most ofthe technical terms within the definitions are themselves defined here but, with a few exceptions, are notcross-referenced. Terms used infrequently in the document are defined where they appear; they may or may
not be defined in this subelause.
3.1.1 active region: A region of a detector in which charge created by ionizing radiation contributessignificantly to the output signal.
3.1.2 amplifier: An clectronic instrument for incrcasing the amplitudc of a signal.
3.13 amplifier shaping time: A nonspecific indication of the shaped-pulse width issuing from a pulseamplifier.
3.1.4 amplifier time constant: A isnomer lor the width of the shaped pulse issuing [ron a pulse amplifier.
See: shaping-tlme index (tas).

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