IEEE N42.28-2002 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE N42.28-2002 pdf download American National Standard for Calibration of Germanium Detectors for In-Situ Gamma-Ray Measurements
This standard does not treat the specialized cases of acrial gamma-ray spectrometry, in-situ spectromctry inborcholes. Morcovcr, this standard does not address in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry measurements fordetectors operated in a gross counting mode. Discussions of procedures as they pertain to peak-findingalgorithms, peak-position, peak-area measurements, and energy calibration, as well as discussions ofperformance tests of spectrometry systems and analysis software are beyond the scope of this standard; refertO ANSI N42.14-1999 and EC 61275-1997-09 for such methods
CAUTION–While guidance on the application of in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry and the use of in-situ measuremenidata is beyond the seope of this standard, some general remarks concermning the technique are warranted. As with anymeasurement technique, one must be aware of assumptions that give rise to limitations on the range of potential applica.tions,In-situ measurements carry specifie assumptionregarding manmeasurement parammeierThe most notablcparameter is the distrihutian af activity in the source.A detector measures only the gamma-ray fluence from which onecan inler an activity concentration. The exient to which the ieasurernent assurnptions relect the actua or true measurcment conditions is the extent to which the measurements results will satisfy their intended purpose, For example, fdcieclor tha! is calibrared o mcasure sourccs with uniformly disiributed aclivity will produce inconsisieni and misleading results if the souree is highly heterogeneous. Ilowever, there could be an aceeptable degree of heterogeneity thatwould still allow for useful data. Service providers and their customers should consider using data qualitvy obiectives as aquide or a mcans to evaluate a mcasurement program that uscs or intends to usc this techniquc
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the followingspecifications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
ANSI/ASOC E4-1994,American National Standard Specifications and Guidelines for Quality Systems forEnvironinental Data Collection and Environrnental Technology Prograrns.
ANSI N42.23-1996,American Nationa! Standard Measurement and Associated Instrumentation QualityAssurance for Radioassay Laboratories
ANSI N42.14-1999,American National Standard for Calibration and Us of Germanium Spectrometers forthe Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission Rates of Radionuclides
HPS N13.30-1996,Performance Criteria for Radiobioassay.
IEC 61275-1997-09,Radiation protection instrumentation-Measureient of discrete radionuclides in thecnvironment–In-situ photon spectrometry system using a germanium detector.
3. Definitions
The word “shall” denotes a requirement, the word “should” dcnotes a recommendation, and the word “may’denotes permission, To conform to this standard, in-situ gamma-ray spectromctry measurements (hercafteireferred to as in-situ measurements) shall be evaluated according to the requirements of this standard, butnot necessarily with its recommendations; however,justification should be documented for deviations froma recommendation.

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