IEEE N42.2-1996 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE N42.2-1996 pdf download Radiation protection instrumentation – Monitoring equipment – Personal warning devices for X and gamma radiations
This international Standard applies to audible or audible and visual warning devices whichare worn by personnel.
it applies to devices used to give an indication of personal dose equivalent rate, from Xand gamma radiations with energies from 60 keV to 1,5 MeY namely H(10). if the deviceis to be used for photon energies up to 10 MeV, for example at a nuclear facility where6 MeV photon radiation is present, it will be necessary to determine the response at theappropriate energy.
This standard specifies, for the device described above, general characteristics, radiationand environmental characteristics, as well as general test procedures, electrica! andmechanical safety requirements.
A device designed to meet this standard may not be suitable for use in pulsed radiationfields.
This standard does not apply to warning devices detecting neutron or beta radiatlons.
The purpose of this standard is to specity the design requirements and performancecharacteristics of personal warning devices used to give an audible or audible and visualindications related to dose equivalent rate from strongly penetrating radiations (as definedin ICRU Report 47).
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, throuah reference in thistext, constitute provisions of this international Standard. At the time of publication, theeditions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and partiesto agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicatedbelow. Members of IEC and ISO maintain register of currently valid International Standard
IEC 50(151): 1978,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (1EV) – Chapter 151: Electrical and magnetic devices
IEC 50(393): 1996International Eiectrotechnical Vocabulary (iEV) – Chapter 393: Nuciearinstrumentation: Physical phenomena and basic concepts
IEC 50(394): 1995,international Electrotechnical Vocabulary (EV) – Chapter 394: Nuclearinstrumentation:instruments
ISO 8529: 1989,Neutron reference radiations for calibrating neutron-measuring devicesused for radiation protection purposes and for determining their response as a function ofneutron energy
ICRU Report 47: 1992, Measurement of dose equivalent from external photon and electronradiations
3 Terminology
3.1 Definitions
For the purpose of this international Standard, the following definitions apply. Othertechnical terms are defined in IEC 50(393), IEC 50(394) and iEC 359.
3.1.1 conventional true value of a quantity: Best estimate of the value determined bya primary or secondary standard, or by a reference instrument that has been calibratedagainst a primary or secondary standard.
3.1.2 indicated value: Repetition rate of an audible or visual signal, which is propor.
tional to personal dose equivalent rate H.(10).
3.1.3 callbration factor: Ratio between the conventional true personal dose equivalentrate and the indicated value.

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