IEEE N42.13-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE N42.13-2004 pdf download American National Standard Calibration and Usage of “Dose Calibrator” Ionization Chambers for the Assay of Radionuclides
Positioning of such vials in the detector well must be reproducible for such systems. Correction factors or newcalibrations shall be obtained for assaying radionuclides in containers of different sizes or shapes. Such correctionfactors may be determined by measurement of the same quantity of a given radionuclide in containers of differentgeometry, with any necessary adjustment to the volume using the appropriate carrier solution. Correction factorssupplied by the manufacturer should also be checked as described above.
4.2.2 Activity Ranges
Calibration of the equipment should cover as completely as practicable the activity ranges for which it will be usedparticularly those ranges of activity of radionuclides to be administered to patients. Whenever measurements in thilow microcurie range are attempted, background corrections are imperative.
4.2.3 Energy Range
Calibration shall be performed over the photon energy range of proposed application.
4.2.4 Accuracy and Reproducibility
The calibration procedures should be such that the accuracy and reproducibility of measurements made with thecalibrated instrument will be within the limits stated in 4.6.
4.3 Standard Sources
Suitable standard sources characterized as to radionuclide purity and activity shall be used for routine calibration of theequipment. Correction for decay of a standard source since the time of standardization should be applied if more thar% of a half life has expired.
4.3.1 Geometry
Ideally, to avoid the necessity for corrections, the geometry of the standard source should be identical to the geometryof the source to be assaved. Source manufacturers now offer standard sources that conform to the calibration geometrdescribed in 4.2.1.
4.3.2 Activity Range
A suitable range of activities should be available for use. The selection of standard sources should take intoconsideration the accuracy required over the ranges of activity of radionuclides to be administered to patients.
4.3.3 Energy Range
A suitable range of photon emission energies should be covered in the selection of standard sources. 12S1 (0.03 MeV(0.05 x 10-13 ),57Co (0.12 MeV) (0.19 10-13 ), 133Ba (0.36 Mey)(0.58 x 10-13), and 137Cs (0.66 MeV)(1.0610-l3 ) are representative of radionuclide sources of pholons in the energy range typically used in nuclear medicine
4.4 Assay
Radionuclides shall be assayed in a properly calibrated instrument using an appropriate precalibrated radionuclidtsetting or plug-in module. The activity of a radionuclide for which no setting or module is available may also beaccurately measured relative to a standard source of the same radionuclide using any seting or module that yields ahigh enough reading to give reproducible results.

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