IEEE C62 64-1997 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE C62 64-1997 pdf download IEEE Standard Specications for Surge Protectors Used in Low-Voltage Data, Communications, and Signaling Circuits
1.1 Scope
This standard applies to surge protectors for application on multiconductor and coaxial, balanced or unbal-anced, data, communications, and signaling circuits with voltages less than or equal to 1000 V rms, or1200 V dc. These surge protectors are intended to limit voltage surges, current surges, or both.
This standard provides performance criteria and tables of preferred values for performance based on characterization tests performed in accordance with IEEE Std C62.36-1994′. The surge protectors covered aremultiple-component series or parallel combinations of linear or nonlinear elements, packaged for thepurpose of limiting voltage, current, or both. Figure 1 of IEEE Std C62.36-1994, reproduced here for convenience, illustrates as functional block diagrams the surge protectors covered by this standard.
This standard is not intended to cover packaged single gas tube, air gap, varistor, or avalanche junctionsurge-protective devices, which are included in IEEE Std C62.31-1987, IEEE Std C62.32-1981, IEEE StdC62.33-1982, and IEEE Std C62.35-1987, respectively. Safety aspects of performance specifications are notcovered; such aspects are covered in the National Electrical Code (NECO) (NFPA 70-1996). Specificallyexcluded from this standard are protectors for low-voltage power circuit applications.
The surge protectors covered by this standard are to be tested by means of the connections or terminationsthat are used when the surge protector is installed in the field. For surge protectors that are intended to beused with a base or connector, that base or connector shall be part of the tests.
The tables of preferred performance values of this standard provide a means of comparison among varioussurge protectors. They also provide a common engineering language beneficial to the user and manufacturerof surge protectors used in low-voltage data, communications, and signaling circuits.
This standard uses terminology for surge protective devices as defined in IEEE Std 100-1996
1.2 Specification types
Tables of specifications in this standard often refer to specification types. In such tables, each specificationtype is given an alphanumeric designation that refers only to the parameter of that table. All of the parametervalues on the same row as the designator apply to that specification type. A given surge protector may have adifferent specification type designation in other tables. For instance, a surge protector may have specification type designation 1 for the insulation resistance specication, but specication type designation B for the
impulse-limiting voltage specication, and specication type designation 3 for impulse reset.

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