IEEE C62.41.2-2002 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this recommended practice is to offer to equipment designers and users a set of standard andadditional surge-testing waveforms and stress levels derived from the surge environment described in thecompanion guide IEEE Std C62.41.1-2002. The selection and specification of which waveform and whatstress level should be considered for specific equipment remain the prerogative and responsibility ofdesigners and users. This recommended practice is only the basis for making an informed decision madepossible by a simplification of a complex database. This simplification will then allow consistentrepeatable, and cost-effective specification of surge performance for equipment connected to low-voltage acpower circuits.
1.3 How to use this document
1.3.1 General
The purpose of this subclause is to assist the reader in applying the recommendations of this document toeach particular case of interest. The 1980 edition of this document, although presented as a guide, wassometimes misinterpreted as a performance standard, leading to statements such as “/this product) meels therequiremenis ofIEEE Sandard 587 ..,”-which are inappropriate and misleading. The same misapplicatioroccurred for the 1991 version of the document, then elevated to the status of a recommended practice (IEEEStd C62.41”-1991). complemented by a “How to Use This Document” section similar to the presentsubclause. Nevertheless the same misinterpretation occurred, albeit less frequently among better informedusers. To avoid continuing such misinterpretation, this version presents further recommendations onapplying surge protection and the corresponding actions to be taken by the user in achieving the goal ofsatisfactory surge protection.
The database on the surge environment that was included in the 1991–and perhaps created too voluminousa document-has been separated into the companion guide lEEE Std C62.41.1-2002, thus allowing ashorter, more focused recommended practice on the selection of appropriate surge test waveforms.
1.3.2 Achieving practical surge immunity
No performance requirements are specified in this recommended practice. What is recommended is arational, deliberate approach to recognizing the variables that need to be considered simultaneously, usingthe information presented here to define a set of representative situations.
For specific applications, the equipment designer has to take into consideration not only the rates ofoccurrence and the waveforms described in this recommended practice, but also the specific power systemenvironment and the characterisics of the equipment in need of protection. Therefore, generalized andsnecific performance reauirements cannot be included in this recommended practice. Nevertheless, theconsiderations listed below are necessary to reach the goal of practical surge immunity. Clearly, mmost arebeyond the scope of this recommended practice, but it is useful to recite them for the purpose of defining thecontext and the purpose of this recommended practice.
IEEE C62.41.2-2002 pdf download
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