IEEE C62.34-1996 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE C62.34-1996 pdf download IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)
For the purposes ofthis document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards DictionaryOn/line should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.3
combination wave (1.2/50 us, 8/20 ps): A wave delivered by a generator that applies a 1.2/50 us voltageimpulse across an open circuit and an 8/20 us impulse current into a short circuit. The voltage and currentwaveforms that are delivered to the surge protective device (SPD) are determined by the generator and theimpedance of the SPD to which the surge is applied. The ratio of open-circuit voltage to peak short-circuitcurrent is 2 Ohms.
design tests: Tests made on each design to establish the performance characteristics and to demonstratecompliance with the appropriate standards of the industry. Once made, they need not be repeated unless thedesign is changed so as to modify performance.
discharge current: An impulse (surge) current impressed through a surge protective device (SPD)
in-line surge protective device (SPD): A two-port surge protective device (SPD) connected in series betweenthe power supply and a load where the load current passes through the conductive terminals of the SPD suchthat the removal of the SPD opens the circuit but has no intended impedance (IEEE Std C62.62TM-2010[B10]4).
maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) (U): The maximum rms value of power-frequencyvoltage that may be applied continuously between the terminals of the arrester without degradation ordeleterious effects.
maximum discharge current (l..)(L ): (A) The maximum surge current that the surge protective deviceSPD) withstands without damage. (B) A surge current rating with a crest value of current through an SPDaccording to the manufacturer’s specification.
NOTE 1–/x and / can be used interchangcably.
NOTE 2-…. is cqual to or greater than /. See nominal discharge current rating (/ ) and nominal discharge current
measured limiting voltage (MLV): The maximum magnitude of voltage that is measured across the terminalsof the surge protective device during the application of a series of impulses of specified wave shape andamplitude.
nominal discharge current rating (/ ): The discharge current with a specified amplitude impressed through asurge protective device (SPD) fifteen times without degrading the SPD.
nominal discharge current (): The discharge current that can be applied to a surge protective device aspecified number oftimes without causing damage to it.
nominal system voltage: A nominal value assigned to designate a system ofa given voltage class.
one-port surge protective device (SPD): A surge protective device (SPD) connected in shunt with the circuitto be protected.
4. Service conditions
4.1 Usual service conditions
4.1.1 Physical condition
The physical condition is ambient air temperature in the general vicinity of the arrester between −40 °C and +60 °C. Altitude for usual service conditions is less than 2000 meters.
4.1.2 System conditions
The system conditions are as follows:
a) Nominal power frequency of 48 Hz to 62 Hz
b) System voltage within the ratings of the arrester under all usual system operating conditions
4.1.3 System confguration
Table 1 shows common North American system confgurations.

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