IEEE C37.94-2013 pdf download Standard for N times 64 kilobit per second optical fiber interfaces between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment
3. Definitions and acronyms
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The lEEE AuthoritativeDictionary of lEEE Sandards Terms, Seventh Edition (B2] , should be used for terms not defined in thisclause.
3.1.1 jitter: A term used to describe perturbations in the timing of data bit transitions when the frequency ofthe perturbations is greater than 10 Hz.
3.1.2 multimode optical fiber: An optical fiber that has a relatively large core. in which light bounces ofithe walls of the core. This results in multiple signal paths through the fiber, which limits the maximumsignaling rate more and more as the fiber length increases.
3.1.3 multiplexer equipment: A device that allows the transmission of a number of diferent signalssimultaneously over a single channel or transmission facility.
3.1.4 teleprotection equipment: Equipment that provides the interface between the protective relay and acommunications circuit.
3.1.5 unit interval (Ul): Time duration equal to the reciprocal of the bit rate.
3.1.6 wander: A term used to describe perturbations in the timing of data bit transitions when the frequencyof the perturbations is less than 10 Hz
3.2 Acronyms
BER bit error rateCRCcyclic redundancy checkLOSloss of signalLOF loss of frame
ppm parts per millionRDI remote defect indication
4.Frame structure
The frame structure is designed to allow the passage of information in packet format from the multiplexer tothe teleprotection equipment and from the teleprotection to the multiplexer equipment The format waschosen so:
The frame is a valid International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) recommendation G.704apattern from the standpoint of framing and data rate. However, the data structure is not a standarddata format.The bit pattern would have approximately equal ones and zeroes (for transmission through acb)coupled optical circuits).The frame would have an easily detected bit pattern for frame synchronization.90The frame structure is dentical in both directions. The frame is the same size and format regardlessof the number of 64 kilobit per second timeslots being utilized.
IEEE C37.94-2013 pdf download
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