IEEE C37.239-2010 pdf download

01-14-2023 comment

IEEE C37.239-2010 pdf download IEEE Standard for Common Format for Event Data Exchange (COMFEDE) for Power Systems
1.1 Scope
This standard defines a format for files containing event data such as sequence of events or fault summaryreports colected from power systems or power system models. The format is intended to provide an casilyinterpretable form for use in exchanging data.
1.2 Purpose
This standard defines a common format for the data files needed for the exchange of various types of powernetwork events in order to facilitate event data integration and analysis from multiple data sources and fromdiferent vendor devices.The flexibility provided by digital devices in recording network fault event data inthe electric utility industry has generated the need for a standard format for the exchange of data. Thesedata are being used with various devices to enhance and automate the analysis. testing. evaluation. andsimulation of power systems and related protection schemes during fault and disturbance conditions. Sincecach source of data may use a different proprictary format, a common data format is necessary to facilitatethe exchange of such data between applications. This will facilitate the use of proprietary data in diverseapplications and allow users of one proprietary system to use digital data from other systems
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents and URLs are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e..they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to thisdocument is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, theatest cdition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
World Wide Web Consortium, W3C Recommendation, XML Schema Part l: Structures, 2d ed., 2004.2
World Wide Web Consortium, W3C Recommendation, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, 2d ed., 2004.
World Wide Web Consortium, W3C Recommendation, Namespaces in XML 1.1, 2004.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE StandardsDictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1 Definitions
breaker operate time: The time from energization of the trip coil until the current in the phases isinterrupted.
event: An cvent is defined as cither a change of state of a binary data valuc, exceeding or resctting of ameasured threshold, or meeting or resetting a rate of change threshold.
EntryData: Basic information associated with an cvent: Data Refcrencc. Valuc. Timestamp. Ouality. andReason Code.
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) name space: A mechanism used to avoid clashes between namesfrom different markup vocabularies.
fault clearing time: The time from the fault inception until all currents are interrupted in the faultedphases.
ault summary reports: The type of recording containing a sequence of event history and extrainformation associated with each event.
fault trigger: Signals or internal logic that triggers an event.
instance file: File containing information that conforms to a specific format.

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