IEEE C37.23-2003 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE C37.23-2003 pdf download IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Bus
NOTE-Design tests are made only on representative apparatus to substantiate the ratings assigned to all other apparatus of basically the same design. These tests are not intended to be used as a part of noral production. The applicablportion of these design tests may also be used to evaluate modifications of a previous design and to assure that performance has not been adversely affected. Test data from previous similar designs may be used for current designs, whereappropriate.
3.3 enclosure: A surrounding case or housing used to protect the contained conductor and prevent personnelfrom accidentally contacting live parts
3.3.1 drip-proof enclosure: An enclosure, usually for indoor application, so constructed or protected thatfalling drops of liquid or solid particles that strike the enclosure at any angle not greater than 15 degreesfrom the vertical shall not interfere with the successful operation of ME bus.”
3.3.2 nonventilated enclosure: An enclosure so constructed as to provide no intentional circulation ofexternal air through the enclosure
3.3.3 ventilated enclosure: An enclosure provided with means to permit circulation of sufficient air to
remove an excess of heat,fumes, or vapors.NOTE-For outdoor applications. ventilating openings or louvers are usually filtered, screened, or restricted to limit theentrance of dust, dirt, rain, or other foreign objects.
3.4 field tests: Tests made after the assembly has been installed at its place of utilization.
3.5 metal-enclosed (ME) (as applied to ME bus): Surrounded by a metal case or housing, with provisionsfor grounding.*
3.6 ME bus: An assembly of conductors with associated connection joints and insulating supports within agrounded metal enclosure. The conductors shall be rigid bus bar, but may include flexible connectors.
3.7 production tests (ME bus): Test made for quality control by the manufacturer on every device or representative samples, or on parts or materials required to verify during production that the product meets thedesign specifications and applicable standards.
NOTE–Production tests are sometimes called routine tests.
3.8 support components: These add additional strength and rigidity or both to the bus enclosure and arebasic subassemblies of the enclosure.
3.9 termination (terminal chamber): A metal enclosure that contains all necessary mechanical and electrical items to complete the connections to other equipment
3.10 types of ME bus assemblies: In general, three basic types of construction are used: nonsegregatedphase,segregated-phase.and isolated-phase
Nonsegregated-phase bus. One in which all phase conductors are in a common metal enclosure8without barriers between the phasesWhen associated with metal-clad switchgear, the phase conductors of a non-insulated bus assemblyentering the switchgear assembly and connecting to the switchgear bus shall be covered with insulating material equivalent to the switchgear insulation system.
b)Segregated-phase bus. One in which all phase conductors are in a common metal enclosure but aresegregated by metal barriers between phases.

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