IEEE C37.17-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE C37.17-1998 pdf download IEEE Standard for Trip Systems for Low-Voltage (1 000 V and below) AC and General Purpose (1 500 V and below) DC Power Circuit Breakers
UL489 Supplement SEMolded-Case Circuit Breakers and Molded-Case Switches with Software inProgrammable Components.
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The lEEE StandardsDictionary Online Bl] should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
An asterisk (*) indicates that at the time this standard was approved, there was no corresponding definitionin IEEE Std C37.100. while a dagger (f) indicates the definition differs from that in IEEE Std C37.100. Foradditional definitions see IEEE Std C37.13 and IEEE Std C37.14.
current sensor: A current transforming device, designed specifically for use as part of an electronic tripsystem, which provides an output signal or signals representative of the primary current. The output signaor signals of the current sensor ay be voltage and or current, dependent on the trip systemm design.”
direct-acting overcurrent trip device (electromechanical): A direct-acting release or tripping system thatis completely self-contained and integral to a circuit breaker and is activated by the electromagnetic forcesproduced by the current flowing through the circuit breaker.
direct-acting overcurrent trip system (electronic): A direct-acting release or tripping system that iscompletely self-contained and integral to a circuit breaker, having overcurrent protective functionsaccomplished by means of analog or digital processing of the current sensor output and operation of a tripactuator to open the circuit breaker. Direct-acting overcurrent trip systems may optionally include groundfault trip functions that require an external current sensor or sensors. Maximum tripping current may beixed or adjustable and shall not exceed the continuous current rating of the circuit breaker frame
direct-acting trip device: A generic term that may be either a “direct-acting overcurrent trip deviceordirect-acting overcurrent trip system.
direct-acting: A release or tripping system that requires no external or supplemental power or controlcircuits to cause it to function.
dual trip device: A term historically used to refer to an LI trip device
ground fault trip function with memory: A ground fault trip element that responds to an intermittentfault to ground by integrating the magnitude of the ground current over time. This function produces a tripcommand when the integrated magnitude of the ground current exceeds a threshold level unless the timeduration of the current magnitude below the pickup setting exceeds a time period specified by themanufacturer, A time constant may be included to accelerate or retard the decay of the integrated valucover time.”
ground fault trip function: A trip function that responds to the net (phasor sum) current flowing in thephase (and optionally neutral) conductors or the total current flowing in the normal neutral-to-grouncconnection that exceeds a predetermined value for a specified time.

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