IEEE C37.12-2008 pdf download IEEE Guide for Specifications of High-Voltage Circuit Breakers (over 1000 Volts)
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this guide, the following terms and definitions apply The Authoritative Dictionary ofIEEE Standards Terms/B12] should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1 Purchaser or user: The organization responsible for specifying all requirements, including commercialand technical, related to purchasing equipment and accessories.
3.2 Manufacturer or Supplier: shall mean a person or corporation who is furnishing material orequipment to either Owner or Contractor or both,
4.Specification format
The developer of the specification should select a format for the specification. There are two prevalentformats although many variations are possible.
A complete specification written for a specific circuit breaker order, or
A set of companion documents that are to be used together. The first document is a generalspecification that applies to a class or classes of circuit breakers. This general specification isaccompanied by a second/supplementary specification that provides only those details that areappropriate for the specific circuit breaker order. This second “rating specification” includesinformation such as the ratings, delivery quantities, schedule and locations, special requirementsapplicable to the specific order, unusual conditions and perhaps exceptions to the generaspecification
The specification should generally include a statement that requires the supplier to supply the circuitbreaker in accordance with the Purchaser’s specification and the referenced standards. The specificationshould also state which standards should be applicable in the event of conflict in the standards requirementsor in the event of conflict between the purchaser’s specification and the referenced standards.
The specification should identify the standards that must be followed by the supplier during the provisionof the circuit breaker.
Users commonly follow the second approach, a set of companion documents, in the preparation of theirspecifications. This guide describes the second approach adopted by several users. However with a fewmodifications this specification can also be re-written as a single document specification for a specificcircuit breaker order.
This guide includes several clauses that use the word “shall”. These clauses are included as typical sampleclauses that may directly be used by the users in their specification. The other clauses with the word”should” are used to form the basis of a purchaser’s own worded clause for their specification.
5. General specification
A typical circuit breaker specification structure usually consists of the following clauses, not necessarily inthe same sequence or with the same title. These contain clauses that may be used directly in a purchaser’sspecification. Alternately, they provide an example clause that may be used to form the basis of apurchasers own worded clause for their specification.
IEEE C37.12-2008 pdf download
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