IEEE C2-2012 pdf download National Electrical Safety Code
generating station. A plant wherein electric energy is produced by conversion from some other formof energy (e.g, chemical, nuclear, solar, mechanical, or hydraulic) by means of suitable apparatusThis includes all generating station auxiliaries and other associated equipment required for theoperation of the plant. Not included are stations producing power exclusively for use withcommunications systems.
substation. An enclosed assemblage of equipment, e.g, switches, circuit breakers, buses, andtransformers, under the control of qualified persons, through which electric energy is passed for thepurpose of switching or modifying its characteristics to increase or decrease voltage or controlfrequency or other characteristics.
36switching station. See: substation
enclosed. Surrounded by case, cage, or fence designed to protect the contained equipment and limit thelikelihood, under normal conditions, of dangerous approach or accidental contact by persons or objects
energized. Electrically connected to a source of potential difference, or electrically charged so as to have apotential significantly different from that of earth in the vicinity. Syn: live.
equipment. A general term including fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and similar terms usedas part of or in connection with an electric supply or communications system.
exclusive control. Cienerally covers installation, ownership, restricted access, operation, and maintenanceby qualified and authorized persons.
exclusive control of utility. Where (a) cnergized facilities are separated from public access by a spatial or aphysical barrier and accessible only to qualified personnel authorized by the serving utility, and (b) theutility is responsible for connection/disconnection of such facilities to/from energized sources of energy orsignals.
exposed. Not isolated or guarded.
fall arrest system. The assemblage of equipment, such as a line-worker’s body belt, aerial belt, or full bodyharness in conjunction with a connecting means, with or without an energy absorbing device, and ananchorage to limit the forces a worker can experience during a fall.
fall prevention system. A system, which may include a positioning device system, intended to prevent aworker from falling from an elevation.
fall protection program. A program intended to protect workers from injury due to falls from elevations.
fall protection system (hardware). Consists of either a fall prevention system or a fall arrest system.
fiber-optic cable–communication. A fiber optic cable meeting the requirements for a communication lineand located in the communication space of overhead or underground facilities
fiber-optic cablesupply. A fiber-optic cable located in the supply space of overhead or undergroundfacilities.
IEEE C2-2012 pdf download
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