IEEE 830-1998 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 830-1998 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements SpeciÞcations
1. Overview
This recommended practice describes recommended approaches for the specification of software require-ments. It is divided into five clauses. Clause 1 explains the scope of this recommended practice. Clause 2ists the references made to other standards. Clause 3 provides definitions of specific terms used. Clause 4provides background information for writing a good SRS. Clause 5 discusses each of the essential parts ofan SRS. This recommended practice also has two annexes. one which provides alternate format templates.and one which provides guidelines for compliance with IEEE/EIA 122071-1997
1.1 Scope
This is a recommended practice for writing software requirements specifications. It describes the contentand qualities of a good software requirements specification (SRS) and presents several sample SRS outlines
This recommended practice is aimed at specifying requirements of software to be developed but also can beapplied to assist in the selection of in-house and commercial software products. However, application toalready-developed software could be counterproductive.
When software is embedded in some larger system, such as medical equipment, then issues beyond thoseidentified in this recommended practice may have to be addressed.
This recommended practice describes the process of creating a product and the content of the product. Theproduct is an SRS. This recommended practice can be used to create such an SRS directly or can be used asa model for a more specific standard.
This recommended practice does not identify any specific method, nomenclature, or tool for preparing anSRS.
2. References
This recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications.
ASTM E1340-96, Standard Guide for Rapid Prototyping of Computerized Systems.
IEEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.
IEEE Std 730-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans.
IEEE Std 730.1-1995, IEEE Guide for Software Quality Assurance Planning.
IEEE Std 828-1998, IEEE Standard for Software ConÞguration Management Plans.
IEEE Std 982.1-1988, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software.
IEEE Std 982.2-1988, IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software.
IEEE Std 1002-1987 (Reaff 1992), IEEE Standard Taxonomy for Software Engineering Standards.
IEEE Std 1012-1998, IEEE Standard for Software VeriÞcation and Validation.
IEEE Std 1012a-1998, IEEE Standard for Software VeriÞcation and Validation: Content Map to IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997.
IEEE Std 1016-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions.
IEEE Std 1028-1997, IEEE Standard for Software Reviews.
IEEE Std 1042-1987 (Reaff 1993), IEEE Guide to Software ConÞguration Management.
IEEE P1058/D2.1, Draft Standard for Software Project Management Plans, dated 5 August 1998.
IEEE Std 1058a-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans: Content Map to IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997.
IEEE Std 1074-1997, IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes.
IEEE Std 1233, 1998 Edition, IEEE Guide for Developing System Requirements SpeciÞcations.

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