IEEE 829-1998 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 829-1998 pdf download IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation
This standard describes a set of basic test documents that are associated with the dynamic aspects of software testing (ie, the execution of procedures and code). The standard defines the purpose, outline, andcontent of each basic document, While the documents described in the standard focus on dynamic testing.several of them may be applicable to other testing activities (e.g, the test plan and test incident report maybe used for design and code reviews).
This standard may be applied to commercial, scientific, or military software that runs on any digitalcomputer. Applicability is not restricted by the size, complexity, or criticality of the software. However, thestandard does not specify any class of software to which it must be applied. The standard addresses thedocumentation of both initial development testing and the testing of subsequent software releases. For aparticular software release, it may be applied to all phases of testing from module testing through useacceptance. However, since all of the basic test documents may not be useful in each test phase, the particu-lar documents to be used in a phase are not specified, Each organization using the standard will need to spec.ify the classes of software to which it applies and the specific documents required for a particular test phase
The standard does not call for specific testing methodologies, approaches, techniques, facilities, or tools, anddoes not specify the documentation of their use. Additional test documentation may be required (e.g.. codeinspection checklists and reports). The standard also does not imply or impose specific methodologies fordocumentation control, confguration management, or quality assurance. Additional documentation (e.g.. aquality assurance plan) may be needed depending on the particular methodologies used.
Within each standard document. the content of each section (i.e.. the text that covers the designated topicsmay be tailored to the particular application and the particular testing phase. In addition to tailoring content.additional documents may be added to the basic set, additional sections may be added to any document, andadditional content may be added to any section. It may be useful to organize some of the sections intosubsections. Some or all of the contents of a section may be contained in another document which is thenreferenced. Each organization using the standard should specify additional content requirements andconventions in order to reflect their own particular methodologies, approaches, facilities, and tools for testing,documentation control, configuration management, and quality assurance.
This standard applies to documentation on electronic media as well as paper. Paper must be used for docu-ments requiring approval signatures, unless the electronic documentation system has a secure approval anno-tation mechanism and that mechanism is used.

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