IEEE 802.15.6-2012 pdf download IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks ߌ Part 1 5.6: Wireless Body Area Networks
active superframe: A superframe in which frame transmission typically occurs within the body arenetwork (BAN) of the hub announcing such a superframe.
allocation: One or more time intervals that a node or a hub obtains using an access method for initiatingone or more frame transactions. An allocation comprises one or more allocation intervals Reference toallocation of a node means that the node is the sender or recipient in the allocation.
allocation interval: A continuous time interval in an allocation, comprising one or more consecutiveallocation slots. Reference to allocation interval of a node means that the node is the sender or recipient inthe allocation interval.
allocation slot: A time unit used to designate the lengths of medium acccss related timc intervals, such asbeacon period (superframe) and allocation interval.
beacon: A frame transmitted by a hub to facilitate network management, such as the coordination ofmedium access and power management of the nodes in the body area network (BAN) of the hub. and tofacilitate clock synchronization therein.
beacon period: A repetitive time interval to which medium access is referenced and in which a beacon istransmitted when appropriate, comprising the same number of time units (allocation slots) of equalduration.
bilink: A communications link for transfer of management and data traffic from a hub to a node orandwice ycrsa.
bilink allocation: An allocation with allocation interval(s) in which a hub or a node initiates one or moreframe transactions to transmit management and data traffic to a node or a hub, respectively, and thcrecipient returns acknowledgment if required, with the provision that the node initiates frame transaction/sonly afiter recciving a poll from the hub
connected node: A node that has a connection with a hub.
connection: A rclationshin betwccn a node and a hub in a body area nctwork (BAN), substantiated by aconnected node identification assigned to the node by the hub and by a wakeup arrangement between them.and optionally by one or more scheduled allocations or unscheduled bilink allocations between them.
contended allocation: A non-reoccurring time interval within a random access phase (RAP) or acontention access phasc (CAP), that a node obtains using random acccss for initiating a framc transaction.A contended allocation is an uplink allocation, suitable for scrvicing “unpredictableuplink traffic (forexamplc, duc to data rate variations and/or channel impairments).
contention access: An access method. based on carmiersense multiple access with collision avoidance(CSMA/CA) or slotted Aloha access but not both, whereby a node obtains a time interval in a contentionaccess phase (CAP) for iniiating one or mmore frame transactions. As an access method, contention accessis synonymous with random access
contention access phase (CAP): A time span set aside by a hub and announced via a preceding nonbeacon frame for contention access to the medium by the nodes in the body area network (BAN) of thehub.
downlink: A communications link for transfer of management and data traffic from a hub to a nodc
downlink allocation: An allocation with allocation interval(s) in which a hub initiates one or more frametransactions to transmit management and data traffic to a node and the node returns acknowledgment ilrequired.
IEEE 802.15.6-2012 pdf download
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