IEEE 802.11AD-2012 pdf download IEEE Standard for Information technology- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks- Specific requirements Part 1 1: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 3: Enhancements for Very High Throughput in the 60 GHz Band
scheduled service period (SP): The SP that is scheduled by the quality-of-service (OoS) access point (APor the personal basic service set (PBSS) control point (PCP). Scheduled SPs start at fixed intervals of time.
Insert the following definitions into 3.1 in alphabetic order:
access period: A time period during a beacon interval established in a directional multi-gigabit (DMG)basic service set (BSS) that has associated channel access rules.
antenna weight vector (AWV): A vector of weights describing the excitation (amplitude and phase) foreach element of an antenna array.
average noise plus interference power indicator (ANIPI): A medium access control (MAC) indication ofthe average noise plus interference power measured on a channel that meets the two simultaneousconditions: I) the station (STA) is not transmitting a frame, and 2) the station (STA) is not receiving a frameaddressed to itself
contention-based access period (CBAP): The time period within the data transfer interval (DTl) of adirectional multi-gigabit (DMG) basic service set (BSS) where enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA)is used.
directional multi-gigabit (DMG): Pertaining to operation in a frequency band containing a channel withthe Channel starting frequency above 45 GHz.
NOTE-The Channel starting frequency for 802.11 stations (STAs) is defined in Annex E.
fast session transfer (FST): The transfer of a session from a channel to another channel, in the same ordifferent frequency bands. The term “session” refers to non-physical layer state information kept by a pair ofstations (STAs) that communicate directly (i.e., excludes forwarding).
multiple medium access control (MAC) station management entity (SME) (MM-SME): Component ofstation management that manages multiple cooperating stations (STAs)
non-personal basic service set control point (non-PCP) station (STA): A STA that is not a PCP.
non-personal basic service set control point (non-PCP)/non-access point (non-AP) station (STA): ASTA that is not a PCP and that is not an AP.
personal basic service set (PBSS): A directional multi-gigabit (DMG) basic service set (BSS) that includesone PBSS control point (PCP), and in which access to a distribution system (DS) is not present but an intraPBSS forwarding service is optionally present
personal basic service set (PBSS) control point (PCP): An entity that contains one station (STA) andcoordinates access to the wireless medium (WM) by STAs that are members of a PBSS.
personal basic service set (PBSS) control point (PCP)/access point (AP): A station (STA) that is at leastone ofa PCP or an AP
peer-to-peer traffic specification (PTP TSPEC): The quality-of-service (QoS) characteristics of a dataflow between non-access point (non-AP) QoS stations (STAs).
sector: A transmit or receive antenna pattern corresponding to a Sector ID.
spatial sharing (SPSH): Use of a frequency channel by multiple stations (STAs) located in the samevicinity,and whose directional transmissions may overlap in time.
IEEE 802.11AD-2012 pdf download
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