IEEE 649-2006 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 649-2006 pdf download IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Motor Control Centers for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
3. Definitions
The glossary in Annex B and The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms should be referencedfor terms not defined in the body of this standard.
4. Other information
4.1 General
The manufacturers and users of Class lE motor control centers are required to provide assurance that suchcquipment can meet or exceed its specific performance requirements throughout its installed life. This isaccomplished through a quality assurance program that includes, but is not limited to, design, qualification.production quality control. installation. maintenance, surveillance. and periodic testing. This standard treatsonly the qualification portion of the program.
The purpose of the qualification program is to provide assurance that the motor control center is capable ofperforming its required safety functions with no failure mechanism that could lead to common modefailures under the postulated service conditions specified in the equipment specification. At the end of thequalified life, the equipment shall be capable of performing the safety function(s) required during thepostulated design-basis and post-design-basis events (see IEEE Std 323-2003). In mild environments, ClassE equipment may include components that have significant aging mechanisms. The qualification processwill include information on when these aging mechanisms start, and any replacement/maintenance intervarequired.
Qualification may be accomplished by testing, analysis, operating experience, or a combination thereofThis standard provides qualification methods for each of these alternatives. With all qualification methodsthe end result is the documented evidence that the motor control center is capable of performing its requiredfunction(s).
Note that the demonstration of the equipment’s ability to perform required safety functions in accordancewith this standard does not constitute a complete design verification of the equipment being qualifiedRather, it supports the overall design verification process only with respect to operation under postulatedenvironmental and service conditions.
5. Principles of qualification
5.1 General
The qualification principles of Class 1E equipment for nuclear power generating stations are specified inIEEE Std 323-2003. These principles shall be observed for the qualification of Class lE motor controlcenters.
The fundamental requirement inherent to these principles is that documented evidence that the equipment iscapable of performing its required safety functions before, during, and after the postulated design basisevents, as specified for that equipment, be provided, In general, such evidence requires a qualificationprogram that includes both an aging evaluation and a performance evaluation. The aging evaluation shallfirst include identification of potential aging mechanisms of the equipment. For equipment with significantaging mechanisms. as defined in Annex B. it is necessary to establish a qualified life. In these cases. thequalified life, as defined in IEEE Std 323-2003, is determined using the qualification methods described inthe remainder of this standard.

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