IEEE 643-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 643-2004 pdf download IEEE Guide for Power-Line Carrier Applications
The purpose of this guide is to provide application information to users of carrier equipment as applied onpower transmission lines. Since the major applications of the power-line carrier (PLC) is for protectiverelaying, special consideraion for these applications has been included. Information related to theexpanding usage of carriers on distribution lines below 69 kV is not specifically covered. Detaileaequipment design inforation is avoided as this is primarily the concemm of equipment manufacturers.
Material on PLC channel characteristics is presented alone with discussions on intrabundle conductorsystems and insulated shield-wire systems. Procedures are provided for the calculation of channelperfomance. Data for the calculations are drawn from various sections of the guide. The couplingcomponents considered are line traps, coupling capacitors, line tuners, coaxial cables, hybrids, and filtersFrequency selection practices and future trends are discussed.
An effort has been made to coordinate this guide with the CIGRE Guide [B491 and IEC 60353,IEC 60481.IEC 60495,and IEC 60663.
2.Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this guide. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any anendments or corrigenda) applies.
ANSI C63.2, American National Standard for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation,10 Hz to 40 GHz- Specifications.-
ANSI C93.1, American National Standard Requirements for Power-Line Carrier Coupling Capacitors andCoupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CCVT).
ANSI C93.3, American National Standard Requirements for Power-Line Carrier Line Traps.
IEEE Std C37.90.1rm,EEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relaysand Relay Systems.
IEEE Std C37.90.2M,1EEE Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromag-netic Interference From Trnsmitters.
IEEE Std C37.90.3TM1EEE Standard Electrostatic Discharge Tests for Protective Relays.
3.PLC channels
A PLC channel includes the signal path from the transmitting electronic equipment at one terminal, throughits coupling equipment, over the power line, through the tuning equipment at the receiving end, and into theelectronic equipment at the receiving terminal. In bidirectional applications, a similar retumn path isprovided
As shown in Figure l, a basic PLC system consists of three distinct parts: the terminal assemblies, thecoupling equipment. nd the transmission line. Teninal assemblies consist of transmitters, receivers. cndprotective relays. The coupling equipment consists of the line tuner, coupling capacitor, and line trap. Thecoupling equipment provides a means of connecting the terminals to selected points on the powertransmission line. The transmission line provides a suitable path for the transmission of carrier energybetween terminals in the PLC band of frequencies. At the terminals, one or more transmitters and/orreceivers may be required, depending on the number of functions to be performed.

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