IEEE 634-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 634-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard Cable-Penetration Fire Stop Qualification Test
This standard provides two methods for qualifying the performance of cable-penetration fire stops (alsoreferred to as “fire stops”) when they are installed in rated fire-resistive barriers. The two methods are theeeneral acceptance qualification (Type l) and a cable-specific qualification (Type Il). The cables used fotIype Il tests shall be tested to determine their flash-ignition and self-ignition temperatures before theilinclusion in a fire-stop qualification test. Annex A provides a series of fieures that may be used asguidance when developing a test assembly for Type I qualification. Annex B contains the bibliographyassociated with this standard.
1.1 Scope
This standard is applicablc to fir stops of various materials and construction, Cablc-penctration firc stop;are intended for use in firc-resistive barricrs. Tests conducted in conforiancc with this standard wilrecord the performance of fire stops during the test exposure. However, this test shall not be used todcterminc the suitability of a fire stop for usc after it is cxposed to a fire. This standard also considers theresistance of a fire stop to an cxtcrnal force imposed by a hose stream or water spray, This standard shallnot be used to dctermine the performance of a fire stop during actual fire conditions when subjccted toadditional forces, such as failure of cable support systems and falling debris. The intent of this standard isto develop data to assist in determining the suitability of a fire stop for use where fire resistance is requiredThis standard should be used to measure and describe the response of the fire stop material under a set ofcontrolled conditions but should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of that firestop under the actual fire conditions. However, the results of this test may be used as an element of a firehazard assessment or a fire-risk assessment that takes into account all of the factors that are pertinent to aparticular end use. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concens, if any, associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of reeulatory limmitations prior to use
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to establish type tests to assure that cable-penetration fire stops meet therequired fire rating.
1.2.1 General
This test method is used to determine the performance of a cable-penetration fire stop when exposed to thestandard time-temperature curve for control of fire tests from ASTM E814, and followed by a hose streamtest. The performance of a cable-penetration fire stop is dependent upon the specific assembly of materialstested, including the number, type, and size of the module and the fire-resistive barrier in which it isinstalled. An F-rating and T-rating are established for each fire stop tested. An F-rating of a specifiedduration establishes that the fire stop successfully retarded the passage of fire, flame, and water during theire endurance and hose stream tests. A T-rating of a specified duration establishes that, in addition tosatisfying the F-rating criteria, the fire stop effectively maintained unexposed side temperatures at or below181 °C (325 °) above initial temperature (for Type I tests) or (at or below) the auto ignition temperature ofthe cable type tested (for Type Il tests). These ratings are intended as an aid in assessing the performanceof a cable-penetration fire stop.
1.2.2 Applicability
Cable-penetration fire stops that meet the requirements outlined herein are intended for use in powergenerating stations including, but not limited to, nuclear-generating stations, commercial, and industriainstallations.Among the categories of cables covered, but not limited to. are those used for the power, thecontrol, and the instrumentation services of those installations. When applying the results of this test to aparticular end use application, consideration should be given to the appropriate type of rating (F-rating orI-rating) based on facility construction and specific requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.

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PS:Thank you for your support!
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