IEEE 61523-3-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 61523-3-2004 pdf download Delay and power calculation standards – Part 3: Standard Delay Format (SDF) for the electronic design process
A quoted string is a string of any legal SDF characters, including white space, that are enclosed belweendouble-guotes (·*). Except for the double-quote itself, special characters lose their special meaning in aquoted string. The double-quote character may be included in a quoted string by escaping it [preceding itwith the backslash (\’) character].
3.2.7 Bit specifications
A bit specification is indicated by an identifier with trailing paired square brackets (‘T’ and “J). A single bitis indicated by a single integer between the square brackets, while a bit range is indicated by two integersseparated by a colon (“:)
3.2.8 Hierarchy divider character
Either the period (“.) or the slash (“/) can be established as the hierarchy divider character, as described in52.7. This character only has this special meaning when used to separate identifers. An escaped hierarchyivider character loses its meaning as a hierarchy divider.
3.2.9 Data values
A number shall be an integer or a real number. Real numbers can be expressed in scientific notation, and canbe signed or unsigned, but signed real numbers are not legal in all contexts.
A value consists of a real number in parentheses, a triple in parentheses or an empty pair of parenthesesEmpty parentheses indicate that no value is supplied for a particular data item. This is used primarily wherea construct has a list of data items and it is desired to supply a value for an item further down the list but notfor earlier items. The empty parentheses mark the places of the earlier items. An annotator shall take noaction when it encounters empty parentheses. In particular, it shall not interpret this in the same way as avalue of zero.
A triple consists of one,two or three colon-separated real numbers. Each real number corresponds to a datavalue in one of three data sets, commonly used (in order) as values under best case/minimum, nominal/typical and worst case/maximum operating conditions. lf a realnumber is omitted, then a value is not includedfor that data set. At least one real number is required. Both colons must always be present.
Apart from allowing negative numbers (signed real number instead of real number),rvalue and rtriple areessentially the same as value and friple
*or specifying delay values. delval extends rvalue by allowing two or three rvalue constructs to be groupedin a further set of parentheses. When this is used, the first rvalue specifies the delay, as if a single rvalue weregiven. The second specifies the pulse rejection limit, or “r-limit, associated with this delay. The third specifies the X-limit, or “e-limit” This allows pulse control data to be associated in a uniform way with all typesof delays in SDF,i.e..1OPATH,PORTINTERCONNECT,NETDELAY,and DEVICE delays. Note thatsince any rvalue can be an empty pair of parentheses, each type of delay data can be annotated or omitted asthe need arises.
The meaning of delval constructs in an delval list is different for lists of length one, two, three, six, ortwelve. Lists of length four or five are interpreted in the same way as lists of length six with trailing emptyparentheses. Similarly, lists of length seven to eleven are interpreted in the same way as lists of length twelvewith trailing empty parentheses. A complete discussion of the use of delval list is included in 5.4.1.

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