IEEE 603-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 603-1998 pdf download IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
The criteria contained in this standard establish minimum functional and design requirements for the powerinstrumentation, and control portions of safety systems for nuclear power generating stations. To satisfy thecriteria in this standard, interface requirements may be imposed on the other portions of the safety system asshown in Figure 1. Safety system functional and design criteria are also contained in other standards.
1.1 Illustration
Figure 2 illustrates the scope of this standard in the form of a 3×3 matrix. The labeling across the top of thematrix illustrates that the safety systems can be subdivided into the three general elements of sense and command features. execute features, and power sources. These general elements represent a grouping of devicesthat provides similar performance characteristics for many discrete safety functions. The labeling on the leftside of the matrix illustrates that the safety systems can also be subdivided into the three operational elements of reactor trip system and engineering safety features, auxiliary supporting features, and other auxilary features. When viewing an entire row of the matrix, it can be seen that an operational element may forma system.
Illustrating the scope of this standard in matrix form shows that each operational element contains one otmore general elements. This matrix should not be interpreted to mean that every operational element shalcontain all of the general elements or that a particular general element is limited to application in only oneoperational element.
Figure 3 illustrates typical equipment examples for each portion of the matrix diagram. As shown, somecomponents can be fitted into more than one category depending on the component’s use.
Figure 4 illustrates where criteria for each portion of the matrix can be found in this standard
1.2 Application
The safety system criteria established herein are to be applied to those systems required to protect the public health and safety by functioning to prevent or mitigate the consequences of design basis events. However, this standard does not apply to all of the systems, structures, and equipment required for complete plant safety, for example, Þre protection systems.

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