IEEE 592-2007 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 592-2007 pdf download IEEE Standard for Exposed Semiconducting Shields on High-Voltage Cable Joints and Separable Connectors
This standard covers design tests for shield resistance and a simulated fault-current initiation for exposedsemiconducting shields used on cable accessories, specifically joints and separable insulated connectorsrated 15 kV through 35 kV.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they mustbe understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document isexplained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std 386TM,IEEE Standard for Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power DistributionSystems Above 600 V1,2
IEEE Std 404TM,IEEE Std,IEEE Standard for Extruded and Laminated Dielectric Shielded Cable JointsRated 2500 V to 500 000 V.
3. Performance requirements
To comply with this standard, semiconducting shields shall successfully pass the following tests:
Shield resistance: The shield resistance measured between the cable entrance and thefarthest extremity of the shield from the cable entrance shall be 5000 2 or less whenmeasured as specified in 4.2.
Fault-current initiation: The semi-conducting shield shall be capable of initiating twoconsecutive fault-current arcs to ground as specified in 4.3.
4.Test procedures
4.1 Test specimens
Test speciments shall be clean and dry, A minimum number of two test specimens shall be subjected toeach test, unless otherwise specified by this standard.
4.2 Shield resistance test
The resistance of the semiconducting shield shall be measured using the voltmeter-ammeter method, witheither an ac or dc current supply. The current connections shall be as follows:
For a separable insulated connector, the current connections shall be made on the shield at the cableentrance and at the farthest shield extremity, using a circumferential connection at both locations togive a uniform current distribution
For a joint, the current connections shall be made on the shield at the cable entrance and at the physicalcenter of the shield, using a circumferential connection at both points to give a uniform curentdistribution.
The voltage shall be measured with the current adjusted to 1.0 mA 0.2 mA.
Resistance measurements shall be made on test specimens that have had the following histories.aUnaged
b) Air oven aged for 504 h at 121 C +5C
Resistance measurements shall be made with the test specimen temperature at 20 “C + 5 C and at90C土5C

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