IEEE 572-2006 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 572-2006 pdf download IEEE Standard for Qualifcation of Class 1E Connection Assemblies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard provides basic requirements, direction, and methods for qualifying Class lE ConnectionAssemblies for service in nuclear power generating stations. These include connectors, terminations, andenvironmental seals in combination with related cables or wires as assemblies. Oualification of cable withconnectors to this standard does not replace qualification to IEEE Std 383 -2003. This standard does notapply to containment electric penetrations, fire stops, in-line splices, or components for service within thereactor vessel. The qualification requirements in this standard,when met, demonstrate and document theability of the equipment to perform safety function(s) under applicable service conditions (including designbasis events) reducing the risks of common cause-equipment failures. This standard does not provideenvironmental stress levels and performance requirements.
NOTE-Other IEEE standards that present qualification methods for specific equipment, specific environments,orspecific parts of qualification program may be used to supplement this standard, as applicable. Annex A of IEEE Std323TM_2003 lists other standards related to equipment qualification.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to provide specific direction for the implementation of IEEE Std 323-2003on qualification as it pertains to qualification of connectors, terminations. and environmental seals (relatedto cables as assemblies)
2.Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std 323-2003, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class lE Equipment for Nuclear Power GeneratingStations.
IEEE Std 344IM-2004,IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class IEEE Equipmentfor Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
IEEE Std 383-2003, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Electrical Cables and Field Splices for NuclearPower Generating Stations.
NRC Regulatory Guide 1.180 Revision 1,“Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply, Definitions of terms that aregiven in The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, (B4 are included in Annex C forconvenience in using this standard.
3.1 baseline parameter: Initial technical data benchmarking acceptable performance of the evaluatedqualification test sample.
3.2 condition-based qualification: Qualification based on measurement of one or more conditionindicators of equipment,its components, or materials for which acceptance criteria can be correlated to theequipment’s ability to function as specified during an applicable design basis event.
3.3 design life: The time period during which satisfactory performance can be expected for a specific setof service conditions.
3.4 operational occurrence: All operational processes deviating from normal operation that are expectedto occur once or several times during the operating life of the installation and that,in view of appropriatedesign provisions, do not cause any significant damage to items important to safety nor lead to accidentconditions.

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