IEEE 528-2001 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 528-2001 pdf download IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology
This standard presents terms and definitions relating to inertial sensors. Usage as understood by thenertial sensor community is given preference over general technical usage of the terms herein. Thecriterion for inclusion of a term and its definition in this standard is usefulness as related to inertiasensor technology.
2. Definitions
2.1 acceleration-insensitive drift rate (gyro): The component of environmentally sensitive drift rate notcorrelated with acceleration.
NOTE-Acceleration-insensitive drilt rate includes the eflects of temperature, magnetic, and other external influences
2.2 acceleration random walk (accelerometer): See: random walk (acceleration random walk).2.3 acceleration-sensitive drift rate (gyro): The components of systematic drift rate correlated with thefirst power of a linear acceleration component, typically expressed in (°/h)/g.
2.4 acceleration-squared-sensitive drift rate (gyro): The components of systematic drift rate correlatedwith either the second power of a linear acceleration component or the product of two linearacceleration components, typically expressed in (/h)/g~
2.5 accelerometer: An inertial sensor that measures lincar or angular acceleration, Except wherespecifically stated, the term accelerometer refers to linear accelerometer, See: angular accelerometer:linear accelerometer.
2.6 activation time (gyro, accelerometer): See: turn-on time.
2.7 activity dip (vibrating beam accelerometer): The phenomenon where, at certain frequencies, theresonator vibration ampltude decreases due to parasitic resonances within itself or with the
surrounding structure.
2.8 alignment (gyro, accelerometer): See: input-axis misalignment.
2.9 Allan variance: A characterization of the noise and other processes in a time series of data as afunction of averaging time. It is one half the mean value of the square of the difference of adjacent timeaverages from a time series as a function of averaging time.
2.10 angle random walk (gyro): See: random walk (angle random walk).2.11 angular acceleration sensitivity: (1) (accelerometer). The change of output (divided by the scalefactor) of a linear accelerometer that is produced per unit of angular acceleration input about aspecified axis,excluding the response that is due to linear acceleration.(2) (gyro). The ratio of drift rate due to angular acceleration about a gyro axis to the angularacceleration causing it.
NOTE-In single-degree-of-freedom gyros, it is nominally equal to the effective moment of inertia of the gimbal assemblydivided by the angular momentum.
2.12 angular accelerometer: An inertial sensor that measures the rate of change of inertial angularvelocity about its input axis(es).
NOTE-An output signal is produced from the angular motion of a proof mass (rigid or fuid) relative to a case; or bydifferentiating the output of a strapdown gyroscope; or by differencing the outputs from an aray of linear accelerometers.
2.13 angular-case-motion sensitivity (dynamically tuned gyro): The drift rate resulting from anoscillatory angular input about an axis normal to the spin axis at twice the rotor spin frequency. Thiseffect is due to the single-degree-of-freedom of the gimbal relative to the support shaft and isproportional to the input amplitude and phase relative to the flexure axes. See: two-N (2N) angularsensitivitv.
2.14 angular velocity sensitivity (accelerometer): The change of output (divided by the scale factoand the square of angular rate or product of two angular rates) of a linear accelerometer that isproduced per unit of angular velocity squared, when spun about a specified axis, excluding theresponse that is due to acceleration. See: effective center-of-mass for angular velocity: rate-squaredsensitivity.
2.15 angular vibration sensitivity (gyro): The ratio of the change in output due to angular vibrationabout a sensor axis to the amplitude of the angular vibration causing it.
2.16 anisoelasticity (mechanical gyro): The inequality of compliance of a structure in differentdirections. See: acceleration-squared-sensitive drift rate; principal axis of compliance.

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