IEEE 519-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 519-2004 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems
1.2 Scope
This recommended practice intends to establish goals for the design of electrical systems that include both linear andnonlinear loads. The voltage and current waveforms that may exist throughout the system are described, and waveformdistortion goals for the system designer are established. The interface between sources and loads is described as thepoint of common coupling: and observance of the design goals will minimize interference belween electricalequipment.
This recommended practice addresses steady-state limitation. Transient conditions exceeding these limitations may beencountered. This document sets the quality of power that is to be provided at the point of common coupling. Thisdocument does not cover the effects of radio-frequency interference: however, it does include electromaeneticinterference with communication systems.
1.3 Application
This recommended practice is to be used for guidance in the design of power systems with nonlinear loads. The limitsset are for steady-state operation and are recommended for “worst case” conditions. Transient conditions exceedingthese limits may be encountered.
2. References
11 ANSI C34.2-1968 (Withdrawn). American National Standard Recommended Practices and Requirements forSemiconductor Power Rectifiers.
2) IEEE C57.12.00-1987, IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-mmersed Distribution, Power, andRegulating Transformers (ANSI).
3 IEEE C57.110-1986.IEEE Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability When SupplyingNonsinusoidal Load Currents (ANSI).
[4] IEEE Std 18-1992, IEEE Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors.
[5] IEEE Std 59-1962 (Withdrawn), IEEE Standard for Semiconductor Rectifer Components.
[6] IEEE Std 100-1992, The New IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.
[7] IEEE Std 223-1966 (Withdrawn), IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Thyristors.4
[8] IEEE Std 368-1977 (Withdrawn), IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurement of Electrical Noise andHarmonic Filter Performance of High-Voltage Direct-Current Systems.
[9] IEEE Std 444-1973,1EEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Thyristor Converters and Motor Drives:Part I-Converters for DC Motor Armature Supplies.
[10] IEEE Std 469-1988,1EEE Recommended Practice for Voice-Frequency Electrica-Noise Tests of DistributionIransformers (ANSI).
3. Definitions and Letter Symbols
3.1 Definitions
Definitions given herein are tailored specifically to the harmonics gencrated by static power converters at utility systemfrequencies. Additional useful definitions will be found in IEEE Std 100-1992 (61, EEE Std 223-1966 (7), IEEE Std59-1962[5]ANSIC34.2-1968 [1]nd EEE Std 444-1973[9]

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