IEEE 516-1995 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 516-1995 pdf download IEEE Guide for Maintenance Methods on Energized Power Lines
1.1 Scope
This guide provides general recommendations for performing maintenance work on energized power linesIt is not intended to include all of the proven practical methods and procedures; however, these selected com:prehensive recommendations are based on sound engineering principles. engineering salety considerationsand field experience by many utilities. Included are technical explanations as required to cover certain laboratory testing of tools and equipment, field maintenance and care of tools and equipment, and work methodsfor the maintenance of energized lines and for persons working in the vicinity of energized lines.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to
Present, in one guide, sufficient details of some of the ethods and equipment presently in use toenable the performance of safe energized-line maintenance.6Direct attention to appropriate standards and other documents for the acquisition of knowledge onthe care and use of required tools and equipment.
C)Provide guidance for establishing a safe work area, taking into consideration the physical effects ofthe work area on personnel.
It is not intended that this guide should replace present proven utility practices or imply that these recommendations are superior to existing practices and, therefore, should be universally adopted as utility standards. This compilation of any accepted practices is presented specifically in the form of a guide to be usedby those electric power utilities and agencies that are seeking guidance in establishing methods and procedures for maintenance of energized power lines
1.3 Application
This guide, although general in scope and purpose, is specific enough to be applicable to all aspects of ener.
gized-line maintenance.
Since energized-line maintenance practices for different projects are influenced by the magnitude and natureof each project and by local conditions and circumstances. some alternative ethods that have been successfully employed are presented.
The practices described provide for the safe performance of energized-line maintenance. They are based on practices of operating utilities with many years of successful experience.
The approach used in this guide is to
a) Present definitions required for clarity.
b) Indicate the engineering and other technical considerations essential to the safe performance of energizedline maintenance.
c) Provide guidance for the necessary test equipment and procedures associated with manufacturer and user acceptance, testing, and care of equipment.
d) Detail various work methods for working on or near energized lines and associated devices.
Examples of some applications under development that are not yet covered in full detail in this guide are as follows:
— Fiber optic maintenance procedures
— Effect of damaged insulators (including non-ceramic insulators)
— Influence of capacitance of a nonconductive object in the air gap
— Strength of air gaps containing a metallic object at floating potential
— Application of transient overvoltage control (e.g., metal oxide varistor, lightning arrestors, preinsertion resistors)
— Further review of insulated tools with metal components
Advancement in technology or changes in system design will probably justify modifying the minimum requirements recommended in this guide.

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