IEEE 450-2002 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 450-2002 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
1. Overview
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide the user with information and recommendationsconcerning the maintenance, testing, and replacement of vented lead-acid batteries used in stationaryapplications.
1.2 Scope
This document provides recommended maintenance, test schedules, and testing procedures that can be usedto optimize the life and performance of permanently-installed, vented lead-acid storage batteries used forstandby power applications. t also provides guidance to determine when batteries should be replaced. Thisrecommended practice is applicable to full-float stationary applications where a battery charger normallymaintains the battery fully charged and provides the dc loads. However, specific applications, such as emergency lighting units and semi-portable equipment, may have other appropriate practices that are beyond thescope of this recommended practice
Sizing, installation, qualification, other battery types, and application are also beyond the scope of thisrecommended practice. The maintenance and testing programs described in this recommended practice represent “*the best program based on the information available at the time this document was developed. Theuser should evaluate these practices against their operating experience, operating conditions, manufacturer’srecommendations, resources, and needs in developing a maintenance program for a given application. Thesemaintenance and testing recommendations were developed without consideration of economics. availabilityof testing equipment and personnel, or relative importance of the application. Development of a maintenanceand testing program for a specific application requires consideration of all issues, not just the technicaissues considered in this document.
This recommended practice does not include any other component of the dc system, or inspection and testing of the dc system, even though the battery is part of that system. Pre-operational and periodic dc systemtests of chargers and other dc components may require that the battery be connected to the system. Details for these tests depend on the requirements of the dc system and are beyond the scope of this recommendedpractice.
This recommended practice is divided into ten clauses. Clause l provides the scope of this recommendedpractice. Clause 2 lists references to other standards that are useful in applying this recommended practiceClause 3 provides definitions that are either not found in other standards, or have been modifed for use withthis recommended practice. Clause 4 establishes the safety precautions to be followed during battery maintenance and testing. Clause 5 describes the recommended maintenance practices. Clause 6 establishes the recommended testing program.Clause 7 establishes the types and methodology for battery testing. Clause 8establishes battery replacement criteria. Clause 9 describes the records to be maintained. Clause 10 describesrecycling and disposal of vented lead-acid batteries.
This recommended practice has thirteen annexes. Annex A discusses state of charge. Annex B discusses specific gravity measurements. Annex C’ provides information on float voltage. Annex D provides informationon the urgency of corrective actions for discrepancies found during maintenance and testing. Annex Edescribes the visual inspection requirements. Annex F provides methods for measuring connectionresistances.Annex G discusses alternative test and inspection programs. Annex H describes the effects ofelevated temperature on lead-acid batteries. Annex I provides methodologies for conducting a modifed per.formance test.Annex J provides information on internal ohmic measurements. Annex K provides methodsor calculation of battery capacity. Annex L provides temperature correction factors in degrees FahrenheitAnnex M provides bibliographic references
2. References
This recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:
EEE Std 484*-1996,IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications (ANSIBCI).
IEEE Std 485”-1997IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for StationaryApplications(BCI).
3. Definitions
For purposes of this recommended practice the following terms and definitions apply.IEEE 100 (B1] shouldbe referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1 acceptance test: A constant-current or constant-power capacity test made on a new battery to confirmthat it meets specifications or manufacturer’s ratings.
3.2 capacity test: A discharge of a battery at a constant-current or constant-power to a specified terminalvoltage.
3.3 critical period: That portion of the duty cycle that is the most severe, or the specified time period of thebattery duty cycle that is most severe.

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