IEEE 45-2002 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard
3.1.7 cargo vessel: A vessel that carries bulk, containerized, or roll-on/roll-off dry cargo, and no more than12 passengers. Rescarch vessels, search and rescue vessels, and tugs are also considered to be cargo vesselsin these recommendations.
3.1.8 cycle: The complete series of values of a periodic quantity that occurs during a period. (It is onecomplete set of positive and negative values of an alternating current.)
3.1.9 direct current (dc): A unidirectional current in which the changes in value (polarity) are either zero orso small that they may be neglected. (As ordinarily used, the term designates a practically nonpulsatingcurrent.)
3.1.10 direct-current (dc) commutating machine: A achine that comprises a magnetic field excited froma dc source or formed of permanent magnets. an armature. and a commutator connecied thercwith, Soecihctypes of dc commutating machines are dc generators, motors, synchronous converters, boosters. balancersand dynamotors.
3.1.11 electric coupling: A device for transmitting torque by means of electromagnetic force in which nomechanical torque contact occurs between the driving and driven members. The slip-type electric couplinghas poles excited by direct current on one rotating member, and an armature winding, usually of the doublesquirrel cage type, on the other rotating member.
3.1.12 electronics: That branch of science and technology that relates to devices in which conduction isprincipally by electrons moving through a vacuum, gas, or semiconductor.
3.1.13 embedded temperature detector: A resistance thermometer or thermocouple built into a machinefor the purpose of measuring the temperature.
3.1.14 frequency: The number of periods occurring in unit time of a periodic quantity, in which time is theindependent variable.
3.1.15 frequency converter: A converter using semiconductor devices to vary the output waveform andfrequency to a motor as a means of controlling motor speed and or torque.
3116 Hertz (Hz): The unit of frequency, one cycle per second
3.1.17 induction machine: An asynchronous ac machine that comprises a magnetic circuit interlinked withtwo electric circuits, or sets of circuits, rotating with respect to each other and in which power is transferredfrom one circuit to another by electromagnetic induction. Examples of induction machines are inductiongenerators, induction motors, and certain types of frequency converters and phase converters.
3.1.18 lighters: A short-range cargo-transfer vessel or barge used for ferrying cargo or personnel
3.1.19 loran: A long-range radio navigational aid of the hyperbolic type whose position lines are determinedby the measurement of the difference in the time of arrival of synchronized pulses. (These devices arerapidly being replaced by satellite-based global positioning systems.)
3.1.20 machinery spaces: Spaces that are primarily used for machinery of any type, or cquipment for thecontrol of such machinery, such as boiler, engine, generator, motor, pump, and evaporator rooms.
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