IEEE 422-1986 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Power Generating Stations.
1.1 Scope and Purpose. IEEE 422-1986 has been developed as a guide for the design and installation of wire and cable systems in generating stations with the objective of minimizing failures and their consequences. It is not intended for use in the design of wire and cable systems in switchyards or substations, which is covered in IEEE Std 525-1978 [17].
IEEE 422-1986 applies to both nuclear and nonnuclear electric power generating stations except for the special requirements of wire and cable installations in Class 1E systems of nuclear stations for which the user should refer to ANSI/IEEE Std 690-1984 [5].
This section provides guidance for cable perforniance and should be considered in specifying cable for installation in generating stations. No one cable characteristic should be emphasized to the serious detriment of others. A balance of cable characteristics as well as good installation, design, and construction practices are neceary to provide a sound cable system.
2.1 DefinitIons
design life of a power generating station. The time during which satisfactory station performance can be expected for a specific set of operating conditions.
service life of cable. The time during which satisfactory cable performance can be expected for a specific set of service conditions.
3. Conductor Sizing and Voltage Rating of Power Cables
This section provides guidance for the determination of conductor sizing and voltage ratings of power cables for various types of installations.
3.1 Design Considerations. The proper design of power cable systems requires the consideration of many factors. These factors include ambient temperature, normal and emergency loading, system fault levels, voltage drops, and system nominal voltage and grounding.
3.1.1 Ambient Temperature. This factor is an important design parameter because it helps determine the continuous current-carrying capability (ampacity) of a cable of a given size in a particular type of installation. In areas where temperatures exceed stated ambient, cables may require ampacity derating and special types of insulation and jacket material.
3.1.2 Current Loading. Power cables should be capable of carrying normal and emergency load currents. IEEE S-135 [161 provides cable ampacity tables for various cable constructions and methods of installation. These tables are based on 40 °C ambient air and 20 °C ambient earth and include data for various conductor temperatures. Appropriate factors for cable and conduit grouping are also given, as well as an adjustment formula for change in parameters. Note that the ampacities for cables in underground duct banks are based on all power cable ducts being peripherally located and single-conductor, nontriplexed, medium-voltage cable shields grounded at one point.IEEE 422-1986 pdf download.
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