IEEE 400-2001 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 400-2001 pdf download IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems
4.2 Summary of direct voltage testing
DC testing has been accepted for many years as the standard field method for performing high-voltage tests on cable insulation systems. Whenever dc testing is performed, full consideration should be given to the fact that steady-state direct voltage creates within the insulation systems an electrical field determined by the geometry and conductance of the insulation, whereas under service conditions, alternating voltage creates an electric field determined chiefly by the geometry and dielectric constant (or capacitance) of the insulation. Under ideal, homogeneously uniform insulation conditions, the mathematical formulas governing the steady-state stress distribution within the cable insulation are of the same form for dc and for ac, resulting in comparable relative values; however, should the cable insulation contain defects in which either the conduc- tivity or the dielectric constant assume values significantly different from those in the bulk of the insulation, the electric stress distribution obtained with direct voltage will no longer correspond to that obtained with alternating voltage. As conductivity is generally influenced by temperature to a greater extent than the dielectric constant, the comparative electric stress distribution under dc and ac voltage application will be affected differently by changes in temperature or temperature distribution within the insulation. Further- more, the failure mechanisms triggered by insulation defects vary from one type of defect to another. These failure mechanisms respond differently to the type of test voltage utilized. For instance, if the defect is a void where the mechanism of failure under service ac conditions is most likely to be triggered by partial dis- charge, application of direct voltage would not produce the high partial discharge repetition rate that exists with alternating voltage. Under these conditions, dc testing would not be useful. However, if the defect trig- gers failure by a thermal mechanism, dc testing may prove to be effective. For example, dc can detect the presence of contaminants along a creepage interface.
In the case of joints and accessories, their dielectric properties may differ from that of the cable with regard to conductivity. This may result in a dc stress distribution at the interfaces between the cable and the acces- sory that is very different from the stress under ac voltage. A careful examination of the system is necessary prior to a dc test in order to avoid difficulties.

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