IEEE 382-1996 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 382-1996 pdf download IEEE Standard for Qualification of Actuators for Power-Operated Valve Assemblies With Safety-Related Functions for Nuclear Power Plants
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard describes the qualification of all types of power-driven valve actuators, including damper actu-ators, for safety-related functions in nuclear power generating stations. This standard may also be used toseparately qualify actuator components.
1.2 Purpose
This standard establishes the inimum requirements for, and guidance regarding, the methods and procedures for oualifcation of power-driven valve actuators with safety-related functions. Part I describes thequalification process.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:IEEE Std 323-1983 (Reaff 1990), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations (ANSI)!
IEEE Std 344-1987 (Reaff 1993), IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1EEquipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (ANSI).
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy–Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Part 100, Jan. 1996.
3. Definitions
3.1 aging: The effects of operational, environmental, and system conditions on equipment during a period oftime up to, but not including design basis events, or the process of simulating these events.
3.2 air equivalent radiation dose: The energy that is absorbed per unit mass of air at the geometric centerof the volume occupied by the specimen if it were replaced with air and a uniform flux were incident at theboundary of the volume. directed toward the center.
3.3 analysis: A course of reasoning showing that a certain result is a consequence of assumed premises.
3.4 auditable data: Information which is documented and organized in a readily understandable and traceable manner that permits independent verification of inferences or conclusions based on the information.
NOTE-Examples of information include product catalog information, dimensional drawings, bills of material, engi.neering specifications,performance specifications. installation and calibration instructions and manuals. maintenancemanuals, test reports, and analyses
3.5 Class 1E: The safety classification of the electric equipment and systems that are essential to emergencyreactor shutdown. containment isolation. reactor core cooling. and containment and reactor heat removal. orotherwise essential in preventing significant release of radioactive material to the environment.
3.6 containment: The portion of the engineered safety features designed to act as the principal barrier, afterthe reactor system pressure boundary, to prevent the release, even under conditions of a reactor accident, ofunacceptable quantities of radioactive material beyond a controlled zone.
3.7 design basis events (DBE): Postulated events (specified by the safety analysis of the station) used in thedesign to establish the acceptable performance requirements of the structures and systems.
3.8 design life: The time during which satisfactory performance can be expected for a specific set of serviceconditions.
NOTE-The time may be specified in real time, operating time, number of operating cycles, or other performance intervals, as appropriate.
3.9 generic actuator group: The actuator or family of actuators within a range of sizes with similar designprinciples, materials, manufacturing processes, limiting stresses, operating principles and design margins.
3,10 installed life: The interval, from installation to removal, during which the equipment or componentthereof may be subject to design service conditions and system demands.
3.11 margin: The difference between service conditions and the conditions used for equipmentqualification.
3.12 motive power: The electric, fluid, air, nitrogen, or mechanical energy required to operate the actuator.

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