IEEE 308-2001 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 308-2001 pdf download IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
3.8 design basis events: Postulated events used in the design to establish the acceptable performancerequirements of the structures, systems, and components.
3.9 detectable failures: Failures that can be identified through periodic testing or can be revealed by alarmor anomalous indication. Component failures that are detected at the channel, division, or system level aredetectable failures.
NOTE-Identifiable but nondetectable failures are failures identified by analysis that cannot be detected through sur.
veillance testing or cannot be revealed by alari or anomalous indication.
3.10 division: The designation applied to a given system or set of components that enables the establishmentand maintenance of physical, electrical, and functional independence from other redundant sets ofcomponents.
3.11 documentation: Any written or pictorial information describing, defining, specifying, reporting, orcertifying activities, requirements, procedures, or results.
3.12 enginecred safety features: Features of a unit, other than reactor trip or features used only for normaloperation, that are provided to prevent, limit, or mitigate the release of radioactive material.
3.13 execute features: The electrical and mechanical equipment and interconnections that perform afunction, associated directly or indirectly with a safety function, upon receipt of a signal from the sense andcommand features. The scope of the execute features extends from the sense and command features outputto and including the actuated equipment-to-process coupling.
3.14 independence: The state in which no mechanism exists by which any single design basis event cancause redundant equipment to be inoperable.
3.15 isolating device: A device in a circuit that prevents malfunction in one section of a circuit from causingunacceptable influences in other sections of the circuit or in other circuits.
3.16 load group: An arrangement of buses, transformers, switching equipment, and loads fed from acommon power supply within a division
3.17 module: Any assembly of interconnected components that constitutes an identifiable device.instrument, or piece of equipment, A module can be disconnected, removed as a unit, and replaced with aspare unit. It has definable performance characteristics that permit it to be tested as a unit. A module couldbe a card, a drawout circuit breaker, or other subassembly of a larger device, provided it meets therequirements of this definition.
3.18 nuclear power generating station (station): A plant where electric energy is produced from nucleaienergy by means of suitable apparatus. The station may consist of one or more generating units
3.19 power sources: The electrical and mechanical equipment and interconnections necessary to generate orconvert power.
NOTE-Electric power source and power supply are interchangeable within the context of this document
3.20 preferred power supply (PPS): The power supply from the transmission system to the Class lEdistribution system that is preferred to furnish electric power under accident and post-accident conditions.
3.21 programmable digital computer: A device that can store instructions and is capablc of exccuting asystematic sequence of opcrations perlormed on data that is controlled by internally stored instructions.

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