IEEE 208-1995 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 208-1995 pdf download IEEE Standard on Video Techniques: Measurement of Resolution of Camera Systems, 1993 Techniques
1.1 Scope
The fundamental basis for making a measurement of resolution of a camera system is to reproduce a suitable test chart with the equipment under test. This test chart shall include a pattern that has a sufÞcient amount of Þne detail so that a quantitative observation can be made of the amount of this detail in the reproduced pic- ture. This is usually done by incorporating in the chart a series of lines having graduated widths. The repro- duced image of this test chart is then observed on a picture tube or other suitable reproducing device. The point in the picture where the lines are no longer visible as separately deÞned images gives a measure of the system performance with respect to resolution. A quantitative method of measuring the horizontal resolution response of a camera system is based upon the oscilloscope display of the camera output voltage obtained from any single scan line across the vertical wedges of the resolution chart image. By choosing lines that occur at suitable times, the amplitude of the resulting signal can be plotted as a function of the line number of the chart.
NOTEÑThe horizontal resolution response characteristic described above is also referred to as the depth of modulation. The term modulation transfer function (MTF), or optical transfer function (OTF), is strictly deÞned as sine wave fre- quency response, and should not be used when referring to the response of the television camera to optical square wave patterns.
2. Reference
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publication:
IEEE Std 202-1954, Television: Methods of Measurement of Aspect Ratio and Geometric Distortion.
3. DeÞnitions
3.1 resolution:
A measure of the ability to delineate picture detail.
3.2 television lines (TVL): The number of television lines for the measurement of camera resolution is deÞned as the total number of alternate, equal width, black and white, horizontally oriented lines that can be drawn between the top edge and bottom edge of the picture and that will Þll the complete height of the reso- lution chart. SpeciÞcation and measurement of the number of television lines always refers to lines per pic- ture height.
NOTEÑTotal Lines per Picture Width = (Picture Width Ö Picture Height) ´ (TVL) For a given value of television lines (TVL), the total number of alternate, equal width, vertically oriented black or white lines that can be drawn between the left edge and right edge of the picture, and that will Þll the complete width of the resolution chart, can be determined by multiplying the number of horizontally oriented lines N , by the aspect ratio of the resolution chart, which is the ratio of the chart width to the chart height.

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