IEEE 1646-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1646-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard Communication Delivery Time Performance Requirements for Electric Power Substation Automation
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following normative publications. When the relerenced standardis superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
IEEE Std 1588*-2002,IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurementand Control Systems.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply, The Authoritative Dictionary of lEEStandards, Seventh Edition [B7), should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause. The followingconventions are used for cross-referencing:
Contr: Refers to a term that has an opposed or substantively different meaning.See: Refers to a related term that has a similar, but not synonymous meaning.Syn: Indicates that the ter has the same eaning as another term, which is referenced
3.1.1adjacent component protection: Protection of power system equipment at one substation based on datameasured at others,e.g., line differential protection and teleprotection.
3.1.2alarm processing: Alarm analysis procedures to improve presentation of alarm data. It ranges fromupdating alarm lists and producing group alarms up to more intelligent evaluations.
3.1.3asynchronous transmission: In data communicaions, a method of transmission in which sending andreceiving of data is controlled by control characters rather than by a timing sequence.
3.1.4automatic switching sequences: Automatic sequential operation of groups of power system devices toreduce operator workload and/or switching time and to avoid unsuccessful or unnecessary switching attempts.
3.1.5 availability of data: State in which data are where the user needs them, when the user needs them, andhow the user needs them.
3.1.6 breaker: A device that connects and disconnects power circuits, with fault-interrupting capability; Syn.
circuit breaker.
3.1.7breaker (health) monitoring: A function that measures a breaker’s parameters for decisions on neededmaintenance or repair.
3.1.8 breaker failure protection: Backup protection scheme to trip all connected breakers if a breaker fails toclear a detected fault.
3.1.9 hroadhand: Transmission that typically employs nondiscrete (analog) signals that are continuouslytransmitted over a transmission media in the form of electromagnetic waves. Discrete information is encoded intoanalog waves by using amplitude, frequency, or phase modulation of the base (carrier) signal; Contr: baseband.
3.1.10 broadcast mode: Concurrent transfer mode of information to all connected receivers with one messagefrom the information source; Confr: unicast mode; multicast mode.
3.1.11 calibrate function: Process of adjusting internal parameters of a measurement unit to reduce errors in itsmeasured values.
3.1.12 client: (A) A system entity (combination of hardware and software components) which requests particularservices to be done on its behalf from another entity (i.e, the server); (B) An intelligent electronic device (lED)object that requests information from, or invokes the procedures, of another (i.e, the server).
3.1.13 cold load pickup: Restoration of a circuit where all load diversity is lost.
3.1.14 communication interface: Serial interface of a device that allows exchange of (physical and logical)information among devices of the same or diferent functional levels in a hierarchical system, An interface specifiesthe connection of a communication link, with regard to the mechanical connection as well as to the signal’s physicaand functional characteristics.
3.1.15 communication safety: Measures and controls to avoid any deterioration or losses of information(reliability).
3.1.16 device: Physical entity connected to the communication network composed of at least one communicationelement (the network element), which may have a control element, and/or a monitoring element (transducer.actuator.etc.)
3.1.17 digital fault recorder (DFR): Device that samples and stores analog and related binary data during powersystem transients: Syn: Transient fault recorder (TFR).
3.1.18 disconnect switch: Device that connects and disconnects de-energized power circuits; Syn: isolator.
3.1.19 equipment clock synchronization: Automated procedure to maintain consistent time data throughout thesubstation or power system; e,g., for time tagging or synchronized sampling.
3.1.20 equipment load monitoring: Automated procedures to detect equipment overload. The goal is to toleratetemporary overload, support for adaptive protection and maintenance on request.

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