IEEE 1636-2009 pdf download IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA)
This trial-use standard is an implementation-independent specification for a software interface toinformation systems containing data pertinent to the diagnosis and maintenance of complex systemsconsisting of hardware. software. or any combination thereof These interfaces will support servicedefinitions for creating application programming interfaces (APl) for the access, exchange, and analysis ofhistorical diagnostic and maintenance information, The trra-use standard wil use the information modelsofIEEE Std 1232 as a foundation.
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to specify a software interface for access, exchange, and analysis of productdiagnostic and maintenance information. This will address the pervasive need of organizations to assess theeffectiveness of diagnostics for complex systems throughout the product life cycle. The use of formalinformation models will facilitate exchanging historical aintenance information between informationsystems and analysis tools. The models will facilitate creating open system software architectures formaturing system diagnostics
1.4 Application
This trial-use standard should be applied in the development of software applications that access or provideinformation relevant to the diagnosis and maintenance of svstems. In the event of conflict between thistrial-use standard and a component standard in the IEEE 1636 family, the component standard shall takeprecedence. In the event of conflict between this trial-use standard and a related standard such as lEEE Std1232, the trial-use standard as it applies to the information being produced shall take precedence. In theevent of any conflict between model comments and lexical definitions, lexical definitions shall takeprecedence.
1.5 Conventions used in this document
Clause 5 presents entity and concept definitions using the EXPRESS language as defined in ISO 10303.1l:1994 and uses the following conventions in their presentation:
All specifications in the EXPRESS language are given in the Courier type font when model elementsare represented outside the scope of the model.
This trial-use standard uses the vocabulary and definitions of relevant lEEE standards. In case of conflict ofdefinitions, the following precedence shall be observed: 1) Clause 3, Definitions; 2) The AuthoritativeDictionary of IEEE Standards Terms B1 with preference given to versions of those definitions that areattributed to SCC20 standards.
2.Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e.. they mustbe understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
IEEE 1636-2009 pdf download
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