IEEE 1625-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1625-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Portable Computing
1. Overview
This standard is a guide for the manufacturer/supplier in planning and implementing the controls for thedesign and manufacture of lithium-on (Li-ion) and lithium-ion polymer (Li-ion polymer) rechargeable bat-tery packs used for portable computing
This standard’s provisions work together and they define approaches to design, test, and evaluate a cell.battery pack,and host device to mitigate battery system failure. Additionally, this standard providesrecommendations for end-user education and communication materials. This approach suggests theinterfaces between subsystems (e.g, cell, battery pack, host device) and end users are as important to systemreliability as is robust subsystem design and testing. This standard therefore includes subsystem interfacedesign responsibilities for each subsystem manufacturer/supplier, and it provides messaging andcommunication provisions for end-user awareness. Therefore, the responsibility for total system reliability isshared between the designers/manufacturer/suppliers of the subsystems and the end user, Compliance to thisstandard requires adherence to all the provisions of the standard.
1.1 Scope
This standard establishes criteria for design analysis for qualification, quality, and reliability of rechargeablebattery systems for portable computing. It also provides methods for quantifying the operational perfor.mance of these batteries and their associated management and control systems, including considerations forend-user notification.
This standard covers rechargeable battery systems for mobile computing. The battery technologies coveredare limited to Li-ion and Li-ion polymer, but future versions of this standard may include technologies thatare not in general use at present. Also included are: battery pack electrical and mechanical construction;system,pack, and cell level charge and discharge controls; and battery status communications. Thefollowing are addressed: qualification process, manufacturing process control, energy capacity and demandmanagement, levels of management and control in the battery systems, current and planned lithium-basedbattery chemistries, packaging technologies, and considerations for end-user notification.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to ensure reliable user experience and operation of batteries in portable com-puting environments. The battery industries need standardized criteria for design and qualification ofrechargeable battery systems and for verifying the quality and reliability of those batteries.
This standard, and its accompanying annexes, provides no guarantee of protection or safety for battery usersThis standard sets forth recommendations for design analyses and certain testing procedures. The level ofassurance for protection and safety resulting from applying this standard depends on the implementation bythe manufacturer/supplier and the actions of the end user. In the recommendations for design analysescontained herein, this standard contemplates reasonable intended use by the end user, but it does not providea complete guarantee against hazards to the end user, such as fire. explosion, and leakage
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following specifica-tions are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
Guidance for Safe Usage of Portable Lithium-lon Rechargeable Battery Pack, First Edition, March 2003.Battery Association of Japan.’
IEC 60050-486:1991,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary–Chapter 486: Secondary Cells andBatteries.2
IEC 61000-2-4:2002,Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)–Part 2-4: Environment-Compatibility Lev-els in Industrial Plants for Low-Frequency Conducted Disturbances.

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