IEEE 1620-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1620-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard Test Methods for the Characterization of Organic Transistors and Materials
.3.3 Repeatability and reporting sample size
Sample performance between different devices may vary due to variations in the fabrication processAdditionally, it is critical to determine how repeatable the reported results are. Therefore, sample size is tobe reported thus:
if no sammple size is reported, it is assumed that the data represents a sample size of a single device(i.e., may not represent repeatable results).
For sample sizes larger than one, the sample size is reported with the method of sampling (whetherall devices were characterized, a randomly-chosen fraction of the total sample set, etc.).
A description of what the reported data demonstrates (average values, worst-case, ctc.) is also required
1.3.4 Application of low-noise techniques
Generally, lower absolute gate bias voltages cause smaller stress effects, such as shifts in the thresholdvoltage, than higher absolute gate biases. Depending on the device structure, this shifting may be reducedby ensuring that the device under test is properly grounded. This issue may be further improved if thisgrounding is through a low-impedance path to system ground.
In order for comparabilty between diflerent device structures and eventual compatibility tonanoelectronics, voltages should be referenced to the corresponding film thickness (Vas) and channel length(Vos). Sufficient information is to be given so that electrical fields (V/cm) may be determined. Preferably.electrical field values are specified.
Due to optical sensitivity of some organic semiconducting materials, all measurements should be conductedinside a light-insulating enclosure that is preferably earth (safety) grounded. Optical isolation isrecommended if exposure to ambient light causes a change of more than 1% from values obtained in thedark.
Due to the high impedances and extremely low current values being measured, proximity of personnelheavy machinery, or other potential electromagnetic/radiofrequency interference (EMI/RFI) sources shouldbe maintained as far away from the measurement system while in operation. This is of particular concernwhen measured voltages are below 1 mV or when current values are less than 1 A.
2. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
2.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative DictionaryofIEEE Standards Terms (B1′ should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
2.1.1 bottom-contact device: A field-efTect transistor structure for which the source and drain electrodesare located closer to the substrate than the semiconductor, Typically in a bottom-contact device, the sourceand drain will be located sandwiched between the gate dielectric and the semiconductor material.
2.1.2 bottom-gate device: A field-effect transistor structure for which the gate electrode is closer (oradjacent) to the substrate than the channel. Devices that utilize a doped substrate (e.g, doped silicon wafer)as the gate electrode are generally bottom-gate devices.
2.1.3 bulk: Electrical connection to the substrate, and the corresponding voltage applied, Typically, thisbias is applied only during device test through a ground chuck. Current flow is usually negligible throughthe substrate; therefore, in most circumstances no voltage will be applied to the bulk during deviceoperation. However,negligible current flow must be verified during individual device tests. Since mostOFETs reside on an insulating substrate, the electrical properties of the bulk are typically ignored.
2.1.4 characteristic: Ips vs. Vos for a fixed Vgs. See also: output curve.
2.1.5 Cap: Capacitance measured between the gate electrode and the drain electrode.
2.1.6 Cas: Capacitance measured between the gate electrode and the source electrode.
2.17 conductance (g): The slope of the output curve, expressed as

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