IEEE 1615-2007 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 1615-2007 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This document defines a recommended practice for communication and interoperation of devicesconnected on an electric power substation Internet protocol (IP) network It does not establish a newunderlying communications standard. Instead, the document prescribes a specific set of existingconventions and definitions.
1.2 Purpose
This recommended practice provides direction for implementers who wish to produce interoperablecommunications equipment for an electric power substation network, It also provides criteria for userssystem integrators, and equipment manufacturers who need to establish requirements for the transfer ofoperational and non-operational data as well as configuration management.
2.Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they mustbe understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document isexplained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition otthe referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
EEE Std 1590TM-2003IEEE Recommended Practice for the Electrical Protection of Optical FiberCommunication Facilities Serving, or Connected to, Electrical Supply Locations.l,2
EEE Std 1613TM-2003, IEEE Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for CommunicationsNetworking Devices in Electric Power Substations.
. Electric utility information system architecture
An electric utility information system is defined for this recommended practice as a set of interrelated applications, data acquisition/control equipment, and communication channels designed to provide specific functions for the utility. Frequently, the overall information system is designed and controlled as separate subsystems, each with its own set of components. Examples include supervisory control and dataacquisition (SCADA).energy/distribution management systems (EMS/DMS), protective relayingequipment monitoring, power quality evaluation, and system planning and design. Regardless of thespecific functions being performed or the level of integration between components, all of these subsystemscan be viewed similarly with respect to the communication architecture. Each has data that needs to betransported, and equipment that needs to be configured and monitored. The data must also be processed
An electric utility information system is an “overlay technology in that its sole purpose is to improve theoperation of another system-namely, the electric power system. The usefulness of the information systemis always expressed in terms of the amount of efficiency that can be gained in the operation of this othersystem.
The usefulness of any information system depends on three factors (see Figure 1):
What information is available and how can it be used (data)
The timeliness of delivery and ability to react to changes (speed)
The maintenance and overhead required for upkeep and expansion (maintenance)

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