IEEE 16-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 16-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard for Electrical and Electronic Control Apparatus on Rail Vehicles
4.1 Service conditions
All apparatus, including but not limited to electronic apparatus, shall be designed for the standardenvironmental conditions given in IEEE Std 1478-2001,1 unless otherwise agreed between the supplier andthe authority having jurisdiction.
4.2 Supply voltages
4.2.1 General
Equipment shall operate normally or without damage when exposed, for the duration listed in this standardo any voltage from zero to the maximum value listed in this standard. If necessary, appropriate protectionfrom damage may be provided by other elements of the system in which the equipment is configured (e.g..indervoltage cutout devices). The authority having jurisdiction shall specify the performance expected ofthe equipment at nominal voltage conditions. At voltages other than nominal, performance shall be asdescribed in this standard unless otherwise agreed to between the supplier and the authority havingurisdiction.
In the absence of a specification or agreement to the contrary, the minimum time duration to be consideredfor “short time”operation shall be taken as 1.0 second for undervoltage operation and 0.2 second forovervoltage operation. Conditions existing for shorter times sha be considered transient conditionsgoverned by 4.3.1
4.2.2 DC-powered low-voltage control equipment
Nominal supply voltages for low-voltage control equipment shall be chosen from the preferred valuesgiven in 4.4.3 of IEEE Std 1476-2000. The nominal, minimum operating, and maximum continuous valuesand the required operating characteristics of the equipment within and outside of these voltage ranges shallbe as given in 4.4.3 of IEEE Std 1476-2000. Equipment shall not be damaged by continuous application ofvoltage between zero and minimum operating
NOTE–These nominal supply voltages correspond to nominal battery voltages of 24, 32, 48, and 64 volts. Refer toIEEE Std 1476-2000 for details.
4.2.3 AC auxiliary apparatus
Nominal supply voltages and required continuous and short-time operating voltage ranges for ac auxiliaryapparatus shall be chosen from the preferred values given in ANSI C84.1-1995, Table 1, Low VoltageClass. Unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and the authority having jurisdiction, ratedperformance shall be obtained at the nominal frequency and within the Utilization Voltage limits ofVoltage Range A of ANSI C84.1-1995, Table l. Operation at other frequencies shall be as specified inNEMA MG 1-2003 section 12.45. Operation outside of Voltage Range A but within the UtilizatiorVoltage limits of Voltage Range B of ANSI C84.1-1995. Table 1, shall be as specified by the authorityhaving jurisdiction
4.2.4 High-voltage dc-powered traction and auxiliary apparatus
Supply voltages for high-voltage dc-powered traction and auxiliary apparatus powered from a dc source (e.g., overhead contact system or third rail) shall be as shown in Table 1. Unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and the authority having jurisdiction, rated performance shall be obtained at the nominal voltage and above, up to the maximum voltage listed in Table 1 for that nominal voltage case. At other voltages, performance shall be in accordance with the design or inherent characteristics of the apparatus.

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